Year Six News

Year Six Team: Marco (Leader), Kieran, Marshal & Mikala 

Term 4 in Year 6  

Term 4 is one of the busiest times in the Grade 6 department with our students participating in interschool sport, a disco, camp/the alternative camp program, Orientation Day for Year 7, Graduation, Picnic at the Park, and Diversity Day.



This term, our term topic will focus on the topic of the Australian Government. Students will develop an understanding of the following concepts:

  • To identify the reasons why a country needs a system of government
  • To identify the different types of government systems
  • To explore Australia's system of government
  • To understand the place and purpose of the Australian Parliament
  • To identify a range of services in the community for which the government is responsible
  • To understand why we have laws in Australia
  • To understand the process of passing a bill in Australia.


Students will develop an awareness of the impact of gender norms on the attitude of behaviours of those entering adolescence. They will describe the way gender influences how people relate to young children and explore the terms relating to sex and gender. They will identify the actions that children and adults can take to contribute to an inclusive school. Students will also practice behaviours that demonstrate respect and recognition of the rights of others within relationships. They will build a definition and give examples of gender-based violence, including physical, verbal, psychological and sexual, and the ways in which these types of violence can play out in face-to-face and digital environments.



Our daily literacy sessions continue to support our students by developing their skills to read and comprehend a variety of information and narrative texts. We will focus on the way we interpret explicit and implied information from narratives such as Us Mob Walawurru and from a range of poetry forms. Students continue to develop their writing by reflecting on sentence structure, and increasingly more complex components of syntax and grammar including conjunctions, adverbial phrases, and the relationship between questions, exclamations, commands, and statements.



Mathematics in Term 4 will focus on measurement, patterns and algebra, mental maths and problem solving. Students will be working on a range of tasks where they can make connections to real life experiences. We encourage each child to access their Essential Assessment account from home to complete differentiated set tasks or revise mathematical concepts.



Homework has commenced this week. Students are expected to read for a daily minimum of 40 minutes and to complete one weekly reading task from the grid provided to them on Google Classroom. Students are also to complete one Essential Assessment numeracy task. Please set aside some quiet time for your child to complete the homework.



Grade 6 camp will run in week 8, Monday the 25th of November - Wednesday 27th of November, at Log Cabin Camp near Ballarat. Please refer to the Information Slides on Compass or email the office with your question to



Graduation for our Grade 6 students will be held on Monday, 16th December at the Quin Auditorium at Caroline Chisholm Catholic College. We will be sending home more information about this special evening later in the term. 


Kind regards,


Marco, Mikala, Marshal, Kieran

The Grade 6 Team