Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

Charlie PACFor trying your personal best effort in independent writing and having a go at listening for sounds. Monster effort!
Sadie PAKFor always showing respect to her classmates, friends and teachers. You are a star!
Daisy PBDFor consistently following our school values, for your positive attitude and for always showing kindness to everyone around you!
Jimmy PLBFor his conscious effort to listen attentively and apply himself during learning tasks. Great work, Jimmy!
Nathan 1JSFor showing resilience in tackling new math and writing tasks. Your hard work is inspirational to those around you, every day!
Qanani 1JMFor her perseverance and applying her personal best effort when completing tasks. Keep it up!
Maya 1LEFor always putting your best effort into class tasks and being a kind and thoughtful class member. Well done!
Billy 1LLFor the kindness you show towards others, particularly this week when you helped a peer in the classroom. Well done, Billy!
Tahja 1MMFor creating amazing repeating patterns on your own using two different colours. Well done, Tahja!
Arlo 2BLFor showing all four values through his actions towards others. Arlo is a fantastic friend and classmate. Thank you, Arlo!
Vivienne 2CWFor consistently following the school value of Respect. You set an excellent example to the rest of the class! Well done, Viv!
Vasco 2DKFor being a responsible learner. You are always ready to tackle tasks and apply an excellent effort each time! Keep it up, Vasco!
Lexie 2MMFor her kindness and words of encouragement to help a peer in the classroom. Well done, Lexie!
Tilly 2TFFor the respect she has shown to 2TF during all learning sessions this term. Fantastic start, Tilly!
Asha 3KTFor participating in class discussions respectfully and enthusiastically. Well done, Asha!
Malik 3MPFor working hard on his information report. Well done, Malik!
Jed 3TMFor your positive attitude and enthusiasm for learning. Thank you, Jed!
Elira 3TNFor demonstrating resilience and a growth mindset with your work this week. Terrific effort, Elira!
Audrey 4AFFor wonderful focus in class and perseverance with your assessment tasks.
Imogen 4CMFor an excellent start to Term Four. You consistently demonstrate our four school values. Well done, Imy!
Matthew 4MKFor being a respectful and inclusive member of 4MK. Keep it up, Matthew!
Hugo 5LWFor displaying our school value of 'Belonging' by supporting and encouraging his peers during class games. 
Hikma 5HTFor always demonstrating our school values. We appreciate your kind and caring nature. Keep it up!
Jack 5RCFor demonstrating outstanding leadership and showing respect to all his peers and teachers! Amazing work, Jack!
Felix 5TCFor being an upstanding student and consistently modelling our school values. Fantastic work, Felix!  
Evie 6KRFor showing kindness to our oldest community members (teachers) and our youngest (little babies at school assembly).
Sebastian 6MAFor having an excellent start to the term by demonstrating all four of our school values. Keep up the amazing work, Sebi!
Ciaran 6MIFor always demonstrating our value of Belonging, by being an inclusive friend and having a varied sense of humour. Keep it up!
Edie 6MPFor always demonstrating responsibility at school and respect to all members of the FWPS community. Well done, Edie!
Chase in 5RCPrincipals' AwardFor showing resilience when faced with a challenge. Keep up the great attitude!
Lily in 2CWTheirCareFor always making sure that others are okay, especially when they are hurt or upset. Well done, Lily!
Phoenix in 5TCSpecialist AwardFor trying his personal best in every Performing Arts session and being a wonderful role model for his classmates.