Pathways News

The Pathways team are excited to share the incredible achievements and experiences all Craigieburn Secondary School students have had in Term 2 as they continue to explore and plan for their future careers and pathways.  It has been a busy and enriching term filled with valuable opportunities and insights for all year levels. 


Year 7-10 Career Action Plans

This term, all students from Year 7 to Year 10 diligently worked on their Career Action Plans.  These plans are essential in helping our students map out their goals and aspirations for the future, ensuring they are on track with their academic and career paths.  Year 11 and Year 12 students will be finalising their plans now that they have completed the GAT. 


Special Visits and Engagements. 

  • Year 7 and Year 8: We were thrilled to host the Academy of Gaming and Animation, providing our younger students with a glimpse into the exciting world of digital creativity and technology.
  • Year 9: Our Year 9 students had the unique opportunity to interact with representatives from the Australian Defence Force (ADF), gaining insights into potential careers within the defence sector. 
  • Year 10:   Students explored career possibilities with Copmate Manufacturing where they discovered the intricacies of manufacturing processes and career pathways within this industry. 
  • Year 11:  La Trobe University’s Business and Sports departments visited to inspire our Year 11 students, offering valuable insights into these dynamic fields of study. 
  • Year 12: The LA Trobe Aspire program engaged our Year 12 students, providing guidance and support as they prepare for their post-secondary journey. 

Note: Please see below for more information on these activities. 


Support and Guidance. 

  • Year 9 Morrisby Interviews and Counselling:  To assist with upcoming subject selections, Year 9 students participated in Morrisby interviews and received counselling sessions aimed at aligning their strengths and interests with suitable career paths. 
  • Subject Tasters for Year 9 and Year 10:  Both year levels had the opportunity to explore various subjects to aid them in making informed decisions regarding their future subjects and pathways. 
  • Year 11 One-on-One Careers Interviews:  As Year 11 students embark on Unit 2 studies, they have begun their one-on-one interviews to guide them through subject selections for Year 12, ensuring they are well prepared for their final year of secondary school.

Apprenticeships, TAFE Courses and Work Experience

Our commitment to providing diverse pathways continues with apprenticeships and off-site TAFE courses for interested students.  Year 10 students are actively securing their work experience placements for December, gaining hands on experience in their chosen fields. 


As we reflect on Term 2, we are immensely proud of our students' enthusiasm and dedication towards their career planning and development. We believe these experiences will equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to make informed decisions about their futures. 


Looking Ahead to Term 3: Exciting Opportunities for Career Exploration.

As we prepare for Term 3, we have the following upcoming events and initiatives designed to support all students as they navigate their career pathways.


Pathways Information Night for Year 10 Students and Parents – 25th July

This event provides essential guidance for Year 10 students and their parents or carers, it facilitates the transition into VCE or VCE VM.   This evening session will give families the opportunity to gain insight into subject selections, career pathways and the resources available to support their child’s educational journey. 


Discovery Day – 30th July 

Discovery Day involves our Year 8 and Year 9 students exploring all learning areas to assist them in making informed elective selections. This day is crucial as it allows students to experience various subjects firsthand, helping them to determine their interest and strengths as they progress through their education.  From 12PM-5PM on Discovery Day, we will host representatives from 15 different universities, TAFEs, apprenticeship, and transition mentor programs.  This will provide invaluable course information directly to our students and parents/carers, enabling them to explore the wide range of study options available to them post-secondary school. 


Pathways Discussion for Year 10 Students – 30th July 

Year 10 students will have dedicated 20-minute slots with a principal or ILT member to discuss pathways into VCE or VCE VM. These discussions are tailored to address individual student goals and aspirations, ensuring each student receives personalised guidance and support as they embark on this important phase of their education. 


These upcoming events will provide our students with opportunities to explore, discover and plan for their future educational and career pathways. 


Subject selection for 2025 will open early Term 3 and close at the end of Week 4, Term 3. We encourage parents and carers to actively participate in these events and discussions to support and guide your child during this exciting time. 


Careers Education Incursion

Throughout this term, the Pathways team has invited guests to speak to our students across each year level about their career and further study opportunities. These sessions are designed to ignite curiosity, broaden our students’ ambitions and equip them with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their futures.


For our younger cohort in Year 7 and Year 8, the focus was on exploration and discovery of the gaming and software development industries. The Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) delivered a presentation about career opportunities in film, gaming, animation and VFX. Pupils were introduced to the art of storytelling, animation and games design, programming and development through an engaging workshop delivered by academy Events Officer, Natalie Cassar. Some attendees even had the opportunity to play real games that have been created by AIE students.


Above: Lucas Hutcheon, Eymen Kirmizi, Bilqis Merdas (Year 7) 


The Australian Defence Force spoke to the Year 9 cohort about the exciting world of career opportunities available in the ADF. Our students discovered how they can serve their country while pursuing their passions, whether it be through roles in the Navy, Army, Air Force, or supporting branches. ADF members discussed their own experiences, the training cadets receive and the wide range of careers available, from engineering and logistics to healthcare and cybersecurity. Opportunities in the ADF are available for secondary students in work experience and traineeship programs. Participants must be 15 years of age or over at the time of the placement – making it a potential pathway for our Year 9s to consider for Year 10 work experience in 2025. 

Above: Umut Arslan, Androo Butrus, Mohammed Condurat, Abdulhai Ammar, Aro Tuara, Leon Giliana, Marwan Nissan, Niana Leausa, Ruby Bartlett, Nimrat Gill (Year 9) 


Our Year 10 students had the opportunity to hear from Jo Hocking from Copamate – an advanced engineering/manufacturing company located in Campbellfield. Joined by William, one of the company’s apprentices, Jo delivered an information session about careers in advanced manufacturing. The Year 10 cohort learned about the cutting-edge technologies shaping modern industries and gained valuable insights into the diverse career opportunities in this evolving field. Year 10s had the opportunity to begin thinking about further study and career pathways and this will support them to make informed decisions about their work experience and subject selections for VCE.


For our senior student, career presentations are geared towards preparation and planning for life post-secondary schooling. Both cohorts were invited to sessions presented by La Trobe University – our Year 11s heard from Dr Pam Kappelides, a senior lecturer at La Trobe University and the leader of the practicum program for sports. Whilst our Year 12s heard from Jed Pryor about the Aspire Early Entry Program and the wide range of study opportunities at La Trobe University. As the Year 12s near the end of their final year of secondary school, they are receiving careers counselling to support them in their next stage of life, whether it be employment or further study. The purpose of the Aspire Information Session was to support students in writing their early entry applications. La Trobe's Aspire Early Entry program is a way for students to access an adjusted Aspire ATAR for their preferred course and secure an early conditional offer. 


Our Year 11s learned about the sports/business and recreation study options at La Trobe, which are partnered with the practicum program for sports. The program is designed to encourage university students to explore possible careers in sports business, gain relevant work experience, develop networks in the industry and make them more employable. The Year 11 cohort was able to gain valuable insight into the diverse roles available and the university courses that can take students to these careers - this supports our college's educational program of preparing our students for further study and employment opportunities. Year 11s will have the opportunity to begin thinking about further study pathways and this will allow them to make informed decisions about their VCE/VM subjects.

Our careers presentations are a vital component of our commitment to student development. By providing these engaging incursions for all year levels, we support our students to explore potential career paths, make informed decisions about their futures and prepare for the next steps in their educational and professional journeys. 


We look forward to inviting more guest speakers for the remainder of the year to help our students navigate their career aspirations. 


Pathways Team 

Ms Vivian Sipsas                                     Ms Vivian Neill                                Ms Julia Di Salvatore 

Assistant Principal Pathways          Leading Teacher Pathways       Career Practitioner