Year 12 News

We are excited to share some recent updates and important reminders as we progress through this pivotal year for our Year 12 students. Your continued support is invaluable, and we have some excellent news and crucial information to convey.


We are thrilled to report that the Year 12 students’ enthusiasm and respectful conduct during recent school events, including the athletics carnival and Road to Zero excursion, have been exemplary. They are setting a positive example for younger students and fostering an environment of belonging and inclusion. These activities provide opportunities for students to support one another and build a strong, cohesive school community. It is heartening to see our Year 12 students leading by example and embodying the values of respect, teamwork, and school spirit.

As we enter the final stretch of the academic year, the Study Centre remains a critical resource for our students. It is essential that this space is maintained as a quiet environment conducive to independent study. We kindly remind all students that disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated. Students who cause disturbances will be removed from the Study Centre and supervised separately by a teacher. This policy ensures that all students can benefit from a peaceful environment where they can focus on their academic goals.


We are eagerly looking forward to the Year 12 formal, which is fast approaching on July 10th. This event is a significant milestone, celebrating the hard work and achievements of our students in their final year at Craigieburn Secondary College.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child's education. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Year 12 team.


Will Sayers, Year 12 Leading Teacher.                         

Alex Gilpin, Year 12 Co-Ordinator.