Year 10 News

Term 2

As we conclude a busy term, our focus with Calmer Classrooms, Social Goals and Study Skills has led to stronger student engagement in our Year 10 cohort. This has also resulted in positive student and family feedback on Elevate Education Study Sensei seminars, our Student Leadership Ceremony and the Year 10 information evening. Thanks to their unwavering efforts, our team has ensured that the Year 10 cohort has made solid gains throughout Term 2. We are committed to building preconditions for a successful student experience in Semester 2 via events like the VCE/VM information evening and Discovery Day 


Term 3 Key Events


Taster Days

All Year 10 students will attend a range of VCE classes and a VCE VM class.

Students should think about potential workloads will entail, what skills they want to acquire and what subjects they want to prioritise. 


Discover Day, 30th July

All Year 10 students (along with parents & carers) will have a 30-minute interview with a principal or leading teacher to discuss possible pathways and subjects for years 11 and 12. Tertiary institutions, TAFEs, universities and apprenticeship providers will run stalls for students and parents to visit.


Please note: subject selections will occur in Week 3 and Week 4 of Term 3.


Year 10 Information Evening 

On Tuesday 18th June, the Year 10 team hosted the student parent information evening to support our cohort's transition to Year 11 in 2025. The culmination of our work highlighting the importance of attendance, GPA, study skills, subject selections and work experience was discussed by Mr. McGavisk, Ms. Neil and Mr. Wu. With one semester left, we wish our Year 10 students well as they begin to consider subject selections, career pathways, and most importantly the next journey into Senior School in 2025. 

It was great to see 75 families attend our event and support their children in their academic journey. We look forward seeing more families in our information evenings in Term 3.

A special acknowledgement to the Year 10 team, our multicultural aides, Ms. Neill and Mrs. Ronique Aiolupotea Leaula for their assistance with contacting families. 


Winter Uniform Reminder

As it is now the winter season, a courtesy reminder that the correct uniform is required. During Term 3, we expect the winter uniform will continue to be worn. P.E. uniforms are only allowed on designated sport days. Students are also expected to bring in their Ready to Learn Materials to form and classes throughout the day. Our form and classroom teachers will continue to support your children by conducting regular checks. 



As of Week 10, following consultation with staff and students, the College has implemented changes to locker access in both the T-Wing and S-Wing. 

Please note the new locker access times below:

  • Corridor opens: 8:30 AM
  • Corridor closes: 9:05 AM
  • Corridor opens: 11:10 AM
  • Corridor closes: 11:40 AM
  • Corridor opens: 1:35 PM
  • Corridor closes: 1:45 PM
  • Corridor opens: 2:10 PM
  • Corridor closes: 2:20 PM
  • Corridor opens: 3:15 PM

Students who arrive outside these times will be required to present themselves to their relevant year level spaces to leave bags or gain access to locker bays for early departure.



Our success with Study Skills (along with the Study Sensei Workshop in Week 6) has led to a 97% positive engagement and endorsement of the program. We will continue to support your child’s learning next term with new themes and workshops from Elevate Education.


Here are some essential tips and skills for parents and families to engage with their child at home during the school holidays:

  • Readiness to Learn: Establish a morning routine and promote healthy sleeping habits to ensure readiness for learning.
  • Understanding Personal Study Habits: Help students identify their individual study preferences and determine the most effective study methods for them.
  • Time Management: Assist students to set up schedules and prioritise tasks and commitments to effectively manage time.
  • Homework Completion: Encourage students to dedicate a minimum of 30 minutes per subject each day for homework tasks.
  • Organization: Emphasise the importance of using the school diary to jot down notes, deadlines, and create checklists for daily or weekly goals.
  • Work-Life Balance: Support students to balance any part-time job responsibilities with their schoolwork and other commitments.
  • Boosting Memory: Having a calm and clear mindset, along with regular intervals of study and activity, will allow you to retain knowledge on both a short and long-term basis. 
  • Practising Subject Skills: By regularly practising core and elective subjects, students will build mastery of content and skills needed for successful outcomes. Students will also understand how practise leads to finesse in learning.
  • Preparing for Exams: When preparing for exams, it is not just studying content regularly, students also need plenty of rest, a healthy diet, and proper prioritisation. 
  • Reflecting on Exam Feedback: After exams, it is also important to not only look at your results, but to reflect on areas for growth. By seeking feedback, your child can build resilience from unsuccessful scores and have the necessary motivation to improve before Term 4 exams.  


To celebrate the achievements of our Year 10 students, Student of the Week certificates have been issued weekly to three or more students by a classroom or form teacher. Students are nominated for achieving high numbers of merits, excellent attendance, completion of tasks and homework and more importantly displaying our College Values of Respect, Belonging, Growth and Understanding. 


As of Week 10, the following students have been nominated for Student of the Week


Mr. Muhammad Haaris Abaid of 10A

Mr. Moayid Abushkewat of 10A

Mr. Yousif Abdulahad of 10A 

Miss. Rand Alrabian of 10A

Mr. Asim Ali of 10A

Mr. George Khoshaba of 10A

Miss. Isabella Di Berardino of 10B 

Miss. Amanda Dawood of 10B

Mr. Daniel Hyland of 10D

Mr. Bart Kingkam of 10D

Mr. Denis Kiselev of 10D

Miss. Nicole Koutroubas of 10E

Miss. Teriza Mati of 10E

Miss. Angel Orii-Mingi of 10E

Miss. Imogen Peters of 10F

Mr. Joshua Schaumkel of 10F

Mr. Mahir Yusuf of 10H


GPA Cycle 2 2024

By end of Week 10, GPA results for Cycle 2 will have been released and made accessible to all students and families. We again eagerly anticipate celebrating the success and growth of our students, particularly those who have shown significant improvement. We encourage parents and families to reach out to their child’s form teacher if they wish to discuss feedback or express any concerns regarding GPAs, especially pertaining to both core and elective subjects. Similarly, we encourage students to communicate with their subject teachers regarding their academic progress. 


We would also like to say a massive congratulations to the following students in the previous cycle who displayed the highest growth in their GPA this semester:


Also, a personal congratulations to the top 3 near perfect 4.0 scoring individuals of Year 10:  Miss. Isabella Di Berardino of 10B, Miss. Danella Slaiwa of 10G and Miss. Remilda Gwargis of 10C.



Mr. Justin Wu,

Year 10 Pedagogy Engagement and Leading Teacher.