Year 9 News

Our Year 9 students have had an incredibly busy few weeks as we head into the winter break.


We invited The Reach Foundation to come for a day of workshops in which students explored what it means to engage in safe and respectful relationships with their peers, teachers, and wider community members. Many of our students walked away from the workshops with a deeper understanding of what respect can and should look like, and an understanding of the importance of mutual respect and tolerance in the 21st Century.


Year 9 students also finalised their Morrisby profiles with one-on-one interviews with careers counselling. The interviews helped students develop ideas around possible careers they can work towards moving forward, and they are already asking questions about future subjects, further education, and work-place training. It could not have been better timing as during Week 11, students undertook a day of ‘tasters’ where they engaged in practical activities in each of the elective classes offered in Year 10. This was a fantastic opportunity for students to start thinking about their choices for next year, as well as their pathways beyond school.


We encourage these conversations to be continued at home as students start making decisions about their subjects for 2025.


As we move into Term 3 and Semester 2, we want to congratulate all our students for the positive growth they have made in the first half of the year and remind them that all positive growth – academic, personal, social – is a step in the right direction, and to keep moving forward.