Year 8 News

Our Achievements:

Term 2 has been exceptionally busy.  The students have been very focused on their academic outcomes. This activity has been motivated by the introduction of social goals in the classroom.  Year 8 teaching staff and students have continued to collectively identify key areas within the classroom that require improvement according to the College Values and Positive Behaviour Matrix (Respect, Understanding, Belonging and Growth) and have devised goals which align with this.  The students have continued to work towards setting a positive classroom culture, which has enabled student achievement in learning.

Our ongoing cohort positive merit data is proving that students are working hard and achieving personal and collective growth.  The following data shows this improvement.

We would like to congratulate the cohort for their amazing effort this term!


The Year 8 cohort has also been focusing on their punctuality to class and school. We have implemented a ‘BE ON TIME!’ challenge. 


The purpose of this challenge has been to teach students the importance of why being punctual is an essential requirement at school and for the future. Being on time is crucial because it demonstrates reliability, respect, and professionalism. Punctuality shows that you value others' time and are committed to your responsibilities. It helps in building trust and maintaining good relationships, whether in personal or professional settings.


Students who have achieved zero lates to school and class have had the opportunity to be selected from a weekly draw to win a canteen voucher.  Data for all form groups has been collected each week and students have been monitoring their progress.  The class with the least amount of lates accumulated over a 6-week period will be the recipients of a celebratory pizza lunch.


We would like to congratulate all students who applied themselves to this challenge and achieved zero lates each week, it shows you are showing reliable and respectful.   Overall, it was a very competitive challenge amongst all form groups. 


The class who achieved the least amount of lates to school and class for the period was…


Our Next Steps:

Student Phone Policy 

We are noticing many students are not complying with the Victorian Education Department’s policy wherein; phones are NOT permitted in school.  The Victorian Education Department stipulates no phones in schools to minimise distractions and create a focused and safe environment for all students. This policy aims to reduce interruptions caused by notifications and social media, which can detract from academic engagement and classroom participation. Additionally, it helps prevent access to unsafe websites or inappropriate content which would be normally filtered by school IT security measures, and it minimises cyberbullying during school hours.  By enforcing a no-phone policy, schools promote better concentration, face-to-face interaction, and a more disciplined and productive educational atmosphere. We would appreciate family support to help with this effort to ensure child safety. 


Correct Uniform 

We continue to stive for our students to Belong, Understand and Respect the College uniform policy.  Students are required to meet the College uniform expectations to ensure the safe identification of all students onsite at school.  It is important that students purchase all items from PSW because this clothing clearly displays the CSC logo.  We are noticing a high frequency of students choosing to wear hoodies and beanies which are not consistent with school policy.  We will be seeking an immediate parent response if student arrive at school wearing these items of clothing and they do not have a note with a valid explanation.  Parents will be required to bring the correct uniform items to school, or alternatively, students will be sent home to rectify the issue.


Reflect on academic results for SEMESTER 1  

Students receive GPA results and academic semester reports in coming days. It is time to celebrate what your child has achieved in Semester 1.  Please take the time to read over your child’s results with them, acknowledge their success and discuss their next steps.  Ask the following questions of your child;

  • What are you achieving?
  • What are your areas for improvement?
  • What are your next steps?

Learning Showcase: 


The students have been learning how to read time in Italian.  They have been reading both analogue and digital displays using their understanding of numbers in Italian.  Students have also been learning how to say and read the various names of different sports.  The students were required to create an invitation for a sporting event and write it in Italian. 


Food Technology 

Students have been exploring the design process in food.  They have been planning a hospitality event, for example, a party, girl’s night out, baby shower, etc.  The task required students to develop a menu featuring the various courses to served, along with drinks and snacks.



The students have been busy in music.  They have been using an application called ‘Soundtrap’ to create a video game soundtrack which includes various musical elements.


Year 8 Values Awards:

Congratulations to the following students who were successful in receiving a Year 8 Value Award.  These students are setting a great example in our College and they were celebrated for their efforts in our recent Year 8 assembly.

Thursday 20th June

Hayden VangRESPECT

Ava Marrama – GROWTH

Habiba Musa – RESPECT


Arshak Fazlali – GROWTH

Charleen Sua – RESPECT

Qasim Al Biati – BELONGING

Ruby Fandrich – RESPECT

Justin Quriakos – UNDERSTANDING

Milan Stopka – GROWTH

Dean Elhassan – RESPECT

Danielle TLW – GROWTH


Congratulations to the following students who were successful in receiving Term 2 Italian Awards.



Crucifixo Taula

Aarav Rai

Henry Elia

Kye Brown

Paris Aldonelle

Kahlee Laba

Luke Brancatisano

Milan Stopka

Keira Totoro

Maya Patelesio

Gabriella Fioretti

Jaycob Dalpiaz



Aalya Sardar

Ebony Tavoularis

Muhammad Dawood

Armaan Singh

Ajit Virk

Vetrivel Mathan

Japleen Kaur

Portia La Sala-Bendelle

Mia Durrant

Danial Danial

Ruqayya Abdallah

Rida Syed

Important Reminders:

Re-stock pencil cases for next term -

The school holidays are a great time to replenish pencil cases and ensure that student’s supplies are fully stocked for SEMESTER 2.  By this time of the year, many students have lost items which are essential for the completion of learning.  Could you please ensure your child has enough pens, pencils, and exercise books for when they return to school next term.  If they require more supplies, please re-stock over the holidays. We will have a strong focus on students' readiness to learn when we return in Term 3.



Also, please ensure that your child has tissues packed in their bag during winter.  It is important now that we are experiencing colder days.


Year 8 Key Dates: 




Friday 28th – Last Day of Term 2 - 2.30pm… EARLY DISMISSAL




Monday 15th - First Day of Term 3

Tuesday 30th - Discovery Day (until end of session 2)


Friday 16th – Year 8 AWARDS DAY – Period 3 (PAC)