Library News, Databases

A database is an electronic collection of data or information, designed to allow for the rapid retrieval of a range of different resources.  Keywords and limiters (for example, and, or, not) are used to sort database results and help find the most relevant material.


Databases are the best tool for students and staff to use when undertaking research for school projects, or in general.  We tend to rely on Google searches to find information, but Google looks for websites and anybody can produce a website full of facts and figures which are not verified.  Databases contain resources which have been curated and checked to ensure they are reliable. 


Here at CSC, we have access to the following applications - 

Got to Britannica School (, select the level that suits you and start browsing a range of content such as articles, images and videos.

Go to Course: CSC Library Discovery, Section: Academic Databases ( and choose from Explora,a general database, Points of View, a range of material which provides a balance of viewpoints, AUS/NZ Reference + a compendium of newspapers, journals, reference books, images and more and the Literary Reference Centre,a database featuring book reviews, essays, biographies, eBooks etc.


If you would like some more information about databases, or some help to get started using these academic tools, please visit the library and we will be happy to assist.