Year 7 News

Term 2 has been an exciting and productive period for our Year 7s. From thrilling sporting events, to enlightening excursions, our students have embraced every opportunity for growth and learning.


Academic Achievements

In the classroom, the Year 7 cohort has excelled across all subjects. In English, students have been honing their skills in understanding and analysing informative texts.  Next, they worked on presenting to an audience by discussing their ideas about sustainability. Maths lessons have delved into fractions, decimals, and introductory algebra, with students engaging in collaborative problem-solving. Science classes have focused on the basic principles of physics and chemistry, with hands-on experiments sparking curiosity and a love for inquiry. Humanities covered Australian democracy and parliament.  To investigate this topic, students were asked to write a letter to an MP about an issue of their choice.


Sporting Highlights: Teacher vs. Student Matches

One of the term's most anticipated events was the teacher vs. student sporting activities. This term we had a netball game and a dodgeball match, both of which fostered a spirit of friendly competition and camaraderie. The standout event was dodgeball, a highly anticipated match between our fearless teachers and a group of daring students. It was a hilarious and action-packed event. The gymnasium buzzed with excitement as both sides prepared for the ultimate showdown, and at the end of the lunch break there was no clear winner. The teamwork and sportsmanship displayed by the students was truly commendable.

Science Works Excursion & HMS Castlemaine

A highlight of Term 2 was the excursion to Science Works. Students explored a variety of interactive exhibits, including the Planetarium. The Planetarium show provided an immersive journey that explored how the four seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis, combined with the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.  We learned how the seasons and length of day varies across the Earth, from the poles to the equator. This excursion not only reinforced scientific concepts taught in class, but also inspired many students to consider future careers in science and technology.

After an opportunity to explore the other exhibits in the museum, students then went to Williamstown where they had an opportunity to explore HMS Castlemaine, a historic WWII corvette.  This gave students a rare firsthand insight into the wartime experiences of some Allied servicemen who served on board. 

Pat Cronin Foundation

The Pat Cronin Foundation recently delivered an engaging and impactful presentation to Year 7 students, emphasizing the importance of preventing violence and promoting respectful behaviour. The session, anchored by the tragic story of Pat Cronin, who lost his life to a senseless act of violence, aimed to educate our students about the consequences of aggression and the value of making safe choices. Through interactive discussions and powerful anecdotes, the presenters encouraged students to stand up against violence and support a culture of kindness and empathy in their communities.



The students have recently started their careers unit in SEL.  This commenced with a presentation from Australian Interactive Entertainment (AIE) detailing possible careers in the gaming, animation and film industries.  At the end of the presentation selected students were able to try out video games that AIE students had made.  Students have also started completing their career action plans. These plans help students identify their interests, strengths and aspirations. They can be used to help students explore their options and consider what they might like to do in their future studies and careers. It is a working document, and they will be able to review and update it to reflect the career education activities they participate in throughout the year.


Year 7 Band

The new Year 7 band played their first gig at lunchtime in front of the school community.  After a nervous start, they delivered a spirited and captivating performance, transforming the usual bustle of the schoolyard into a lively concert. Students gathered around, their conversations replaced by enthusiastic cheers and applause as the band showcased their musical talents. The band members are Isabel Peters (keyboard), Mustafa Qureshi (vocals), Andy Al-Sayir (Drums) and Zainab Al Janabi (guitar)


Looking Ahead

Term 2 has been a remarkable period filled with learning, growth, and fun. As we look forward to Term 3, we are excited to continue building on these successes and exploring new opportunities for learning and development. All students have shown tremendous growth this term, both academically and personally.