Sick Bay News

Vaccination Program for secondary students at Craigieburn Secondary College

Students in Year 10 can receive free vaccinations at school through the National Immunisation Program. The vaccination includes:

Trained and qualified vaccination teams visit schools to deliver the vaccines throughout the year.   


To make sure your child is vaccinated

The school will provide vaccination consent form instructions via hard copy and through Compass. As a parent or carer, please consider talking to your child about the important role of immunisation. If you need help to start the conversation and get them prepared, watch our vaccination videos for high school students.


If your child misses a vaccination at school, see your own GP, or the Hanson Road Medical Centre to facilitate a catch-up appointment. Generally, Hume City Council will contact you directly, if not make an appointment today. Information regarding vaccination will be sent out via Compass and a hard copy has been sent home already with each student.  In the meantime, please follow the instructions below to register beforehand.  The Year 10 vaccination date is the 13th of July.


Consent for this vaccine is submitted through VaxApp, an immunisation platform used by Hume City Council.  To get started you need to provide consent for immunisations.

Please use the link provided below or the QR code:

You will be shown three consent options: 

1. ‘I consent’ – you wish for your child to be immunised

2. ‘Already vaccinated’ – your child has already received these vaccines elsewhere 

3. ‘I do not consent’ – you do not wish for your child to be immunised 


When you click ‘I consent’ you will need to create a profile for yourself and then your child.

If you have multiple children attending the same school for immunisations, then you will need to do this separately for each child. If you are consenting for multiple children, you will only need to make one profile for yourself, and your details will appear for each child. You will need to re-click the link for each child you are consenting for. You also need to fill out certain details for each student, but these are minimal.


It is important that you register and submit a response, regardless of which option you choose. This will prevent you from receiving additional follow-up calls or messages. 

If you do not wish your child to be immunised at school, free immunisation is provided at any of Hume City Council’s immunisation sessions. These sessions are via appointment only. You can book an appointment online via\immunisation If you have any questions regarding the immunisation program, please contact the immunisation department on 9356 6745.



Smile Squad is the Victorian government's free school dental program

Smile Squad delivers free oral health promotion, dental check-ups and treatment to Victorian Government school students. Good oral health prevents dental problems before they become serious.


This program is being led by the Department of Health and Dental Health Services Victoria, with input from the Department of Education. Services are currently being delivered across Victoria by local community dental agencies. The program is completely free for all Victorian government school students. Students will be seen by Smile Squad during school hours, saving families time and money. Smile Squad includes all required treatment (excluding orthodontics).


Objectives of Smile Squad

  • Students can receive free dental care regularly
  • Students learn about the importance of good dental care
  • Students will have better oral health outcomes through early intervention.

Regular dental checks can prevent or address dental health issues before they become serious.


What to expect?

Dental packs and oral health promotion are provided to all students. Dental check-ups are carried out in school classrooms using portable equipment and further treatment is delivered in treatment vans that house a full dental clinic. Think of it as a dental clinic on wheels. Your friendly Smile Squad staff include oral health therapists, dental therapists, oral health educators, dental assistants, dentists, and specialists


A registration form will be handed out to each student - the Dental Van will visit the school in the week of the 28th of October.  Registration forms need to be returned to school by the 31st of July.


Please see below for an example of the consent form (this will also be posted on Compass) for FREE* Dental at Craigieburn Secondary College -