Did you know that by making a school contribution you will receive a Tax deductable receipt to claim when you complete your tax return.


Dear Parent/guardian,


Naranga School is looking forward to another great year of teaching and learning and would like to advise you of Naranga School’s voluntary financial contributions for 2024.

Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We want to thank you for all your support, whether that is through fundraising or volunteering your time. This has made a huge difference to our school and the programs we can offer.

Within our school this support has allowed us to allow a wider offering of subjects and special curriculum experiences; enhanced digital learning opportunities; upgrade play equipment.

Naranga School is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) with the result that any donations made by you will be tax deductible. To be tax deductible, your donation needs to be made voluntarily. We have suggested an amount to be contributed under “Curriculum Contributions” and “Other Contributions” below, but please feel free to contribute an alternative amount.  Amounts paid under “Extra-Curricular Items and Activities” are not donations and are not tax deductible.

For further information on the Department’s Parent Payments Policy please see a one-page overview attached.

Yours sincerely,


Kai Pukarinen                                                                    Chris Reid

Principal                                                                               School Council President

Curriculum Contributions – suggested tax-deductible contributions for items and activities that students use, or participate in, to access the CurriculumAmount

Classroom consumables, materials & equipment

  • Art – paint, crayons, canvas, glitter, coloured paper etc. 
  • Technology – gardening tool, plants etc. 
  • Food tech – food ingredients such as flour, butter etc. 
  • Mathematics – numeracy blocks 
  • Sports – equipment 
  • Sensory items 

Online Subscriptions 

  • Mathletics
  • Mathtiffics
  • Reading Eggs 
Printing and photocopying of worksheets and learning materials$20.00

Whole school events

  • Athletics carnival – entry and transport 
  • School production
Total tax-deductible Curriculum Contributions$[parent to complete]
Other Contributions – suggested tax-deductible contributions for non-curriculum items and activitiesAmount
School Sports Victoria affiliation$10.00
Student wellbeing programs$50.00
First aid and hygiene equipment$12.00
School grounds maintenance and improvements$10.00
Total tax-deductible Other Contributions$[parent to complete]


Educational items for students to own 

Naranga School will supply items for your child to individually own and use.  There is no need for families to go out and purchase these from a third party.  The school will supply them free of charge.


Extra-Curricular Items and Activities – provided on a user-pays basis

Naranga School offers a range of optional items and activities that enhance or broaden the schooling experience of students and are above and beyond what the school provides to deliver the Curriculum. 

The cost of extra-curricular items and activities will be advised throughout the year.

Extra-Curricular Items and ActivitiesAmount
School magazine/ yearbook$10.00
Camps and excursions to be scheduled (TBA)TBA
Total Extra-curricular Items and Activities$

Financial Support for Families

Naranga Schools understands that some families may experience financial difficulty and offers a range of support options, including:

  • the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund 
  • State Schools Relief (SSR) 
  • Payment plans for Extra-Curricular Items and Activities 
  • Centrepay

For a confidential discussion about accessing these services, or if you would like to discuss alternative payment arrangements, contact:

Anne Leggett

Ph: 03 9788 2222 | Email:



CategoryTotal recommended amountTotal payment
Total tax-deductible contributions$220.00$[parent to complete]

Extra-Curricular Items and Activities


$10.00 (Year book)

$ TBA 

$[parent to complete]
Other Contributions$82.00$[parent to complete]
Total (not including excursions/camps)$312.00$[parent to complete]

Payment methods

Sentral, Centre pay, Eftpos, cash, cheque or direct deposit.

Bank Account details: -

Naranga Special School Official Account

BSB: - 063 607

Account: - 10201404







  • Schools provide students with free instruction and ensure students have free access to all items, activities and services that are used by the school to fulfil the standard curriculum requirements in Victorian Curriculum F-10, VCE and VCAL.
  • Schools may invite parents to make a financial contribution to support the school.




Schools can request contributions from parents under three categories:

Curriculum Contributions

Voluntary financial contributions for curriculum items and activities which the school deems necessary for students to learn the Curriculum.



Voluntary financial contributions for non-curriculum items and activities that relate to the school’s functions and objectives.

Extra-Curricular Items and Activities

Items and activities that enhance or broaden the schooling experience of students and are above and beyond what the school provides for free to deliver the Curriculum. These are provided on a user-pays basis.

  • Schools may also invite parents to supply or purchase educational items to use and own (e.g. textbooks, stationery, digital devices).




  • Schools put in place financial hardship arrangements to support families who cannot pay for items or activities so that their child doesn’t miss out.
  • Schools have a nominated parent payment contact person(s) that parents can have a confidential discussion with regarding financial hardship arrangements.




  • Schools must obtain school council approval for their parent payment arrangements and publish all requests and communications for each year level on their school website for transparency.