What Did You Do At School?

Wow! We have had an incredible two weeks in Prep. This term in writing, we are learning about Australian animals. Using our amazing art skills, we created a life-like model of an Australian animal using plasticine. When moulding and sculpting our creature, we needed to show perseverance and precision. In week 4 we will be going to Healesville Sanctuary, and we are looking forward to seeing all our chosen Australian animals in real life. In Maths we have been investigating subtraction and division. Using concrete materials, we have learnt how to share collections of objects evenly. We discovered that when sharing items in maths it is important to be fair. This means every group needs the same number of objects. I wonder what we will learn next?
Year 1
Mam and Sir. Did you know that when children attended school in the past this is how they addressed their teachers? We were immersed into the past when we took part in an excursion to Mont De Lancey Heritage Centre. The sun was shining, the looks of joy and anticipation were evident, as we arrived for the day dressed in 19th century attire. Beautifully crafted dresses with pinafores, straw hats, mini bow ties and braces, all which made up our wardrobes for the day. We were in awe and disbelief in how people lived in the past. Did you know that they had to go outside to the bathroom, and pump fresh water from a well? After a day of being in the past it was refreshing to enter back into the 21st century, of running water, electricity and a bus ride home.
Year 2
We have had a busy start to Term 4! We started the term with a full week of swimming lessons. At the pool we were placed in groups and participated in lessons suitable for our swimming ability. By the end of the week our skills and confidence had improved.
In Week 2 we could hardly contain our excitement as we looked forward to and enjoyed an excursion to Mont De Lancey. During the excursion we learnt about the lifestyles of settlers in the late 19th to early 20th century. We particularly enjoyed dressing up, learning about family and school life, participating in some activities and games and watching the blacksmith and word turner whilst they worked. Despite it being a very wet day we had a wonderful time learning about the past!
Year 3
We have had a wonderful start back to term and are enjoying the warmer weather. We have been exploring division and its connection to multiplication, publishing our writing and preparing to create our very own island! Our island will include a map, flag, coat of arms and even a national anthem! We can’t wait to share it with you.
Year 4
We have been enthusiastically publishing our writing pieces, showcasing our growing skills in storytelling, written expression and spectacular presentation. In Integrated Studies, we have been working collaboratively in groups to invent and design our own islands. This project has allowed us to apply our knowledge of climate zones, rainfall patterns, and weather systems in a fun and imaginative way. We can’t wait to present our work!
Click here for student reflections and photos of our recent Mill Valley Ranch Camp.
Year 5
Last week we had a fantastic time at Belgrave Treetop Adventures. We had the opportunity to display our leadership potential as we faced challenges and encouraged one another to persevere. Everyone started on either the green course or short blue, where we were able to gain confidence above the ground. We then started doing increasingly challenging courses. Each time we tackled a harder course, we were able to apply what we had learnt on the previous courses so that we succeeded. Our trip to Treetops is just one part of our Leadership course. We enjoyed learning from Mrs Liddle about the characteristics of good leaders. Very soon we also have a surprise challenge. No matter what happens or who is elected to positions, we are all excited to follow the footsteps of this year’s amazing Year 6s as we become the Junior school leaders in 2025. We work hard to lead with integrity using the Bible as our guide.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8.
Year 6
Our final term of Junior School has commenced with a tremendous start. We have had the opportunity to celebrate all we have learnt in reading, which includes our comprehension strategies and understanding of author’s craft. In our Literature Circles, we are reading and discussing a text together, sharing our insights and reflections of what we have just read. Additionally, we are identifying text features and VCOP elements and exploring how to use them in our own writing. Please ask us about the book that we are reading, as I’m sure you would enjoy the conversation!