Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

HarryPACFor your enthusiasm for learning and dedication to always applying your best effort to produce excellent work is truly commendable. Well done!
XavierPAKFor always being organised and diligent in the classroom.
CelinePBDFor being an inclusive friend who joins in enthusiastically with all group tasks. Well done, Celine!
LucasPLBFor always going out of his way to be respectful of the classroom environment and ensure it is left in a tidy manner. You are a superstar Lucas!
Jack Li1JMFor applying his personal best effort to complete his tasks especially when writing his narrative. Keep it up, Jack!
Gil1JSFor his persistence in trying to create meaningful and creative sentences. Your hard work, is paying off!
Haruka1LEFor the fabulous personal best attitude and effort she puts into her work.
Leon1LLFor the creative musical instrument you built and confidently shared with the grade. Well done Leon!
River1MMFor consistently showing the value of belonging. You are a great role model and friend to everyone in 1MM. Well done River!
Avi2BLAlways showing respect to both teachers and her classmates. Avi has been a fabulous team member this term!
Kit2CWFor applying a growth mindset during Numeracy tasks. It is great to see you tackling challenging problems!
John2DKFor being a great classmate and offering help to others when they need it! Let's keep it up!
Amaya2MMFor participating in all activities and having a growth mindset to show your personal best. Well done, Amaya!
Tilly2TFFor her consistent attentive listening during class discussions. Great effort, Tilly!
Charli3KTFor asking questions and seeking feedback to improve her learning. Well done, Charli!
Tash3MPFor her willingness to share her ideas during class discussions.
Cara3TMFor being a kind and thoughtful classmate. You are a superstar Cara!
Taylor3TNYou did a fantastic job presenting your science project to the class. You spoke clearly and confidently about your topic. Wonderful effort Taylor. 
Sid4AFFor the amazing effort they have put in towards their learning this term. Sid, you should be so proud of yourself.
Elliott4CMFor your hard work and focus in class over the last two weeks, especially in writing. Great job, Elliott!
Jovelyn4MKFor the consistent effort that you apply to all your work. Keep it up Jovelyn!
Amelia5HTA fabulous first semester! Can't wait to see your confidence continue to grow next semester. Awesome work!
Eva5LWFor the perseverance you have showed in class with a fractured elbow. Your classmates are so impressed by your strength and stoic nature. 
Solomon5RCFor showing great resilience with his Writing and Numeracy tasks, alongside insightful contributions to classroom discussion. Amazing work Solomon!
Pepper5TCFor her creativity in her writing and her wonderful artistic ability she brings to each task. Amazing work, Pepper!
Phoenix6KRFor showing leadership and collaboration in the kitchen. Phoenix helped her group create an incredibly enticing desert, and was the first to volunteer to support others with cleaning and clarifying instructions.
Matthew6MAFor his supportive nature during group work tasks. Your collaborative work during Term Topic and our Robogals incursion helped all members achieve success. Job well done, Matthew!
Joshua6MIFor being a helpful member of 6MI and showing kindness and respect to others. Well done, Josh!
Ari6MPFor helping to come up with a sustainable solution to the world’s need for energy during our renewable energy unit. Well done, Ari!
Ada - 2BLTheirCareAlways the first one to offer help, and for being respectful to everyone and listening to the staff. Well done, Ada!!