TheirCare News

Hi parents, guardians, staff, and friends!
Welcome to Week 11 of Term 3!
And finally, the end has come! Last week of Term 3! Yeheey! The theme for this week is “End of Term”. As the term ended one of the activities, we had was making a card for our friends and someone special for the upcoming school break. We also did colouring sheets where the children had the choice to decide what type of colouring sheets they wanted to do. Aside from arts and crafts, some children were enjoying playing at the playground. They showed us their new skills at the monkey bars, and it was amazing to see how they were open to challenging themselves in developing their physical abilities. We also played different types of sports games such as basketball, soccer, tennis and gaga ball. We sure have had so much fun at TheirCare this Term. And we will continue the fun during Holiday program and in Term 3.
This week’s Pupil of the Week is Ada Lees for always being the first one to offer help, and for being respectful to everyone and listening to the staff. Well done, Ada! You should be so proud of yourself. 😊
How exciting that holiday programs will start on Monday! From going to the Super Park and Rolling Skate Arena, we will be going to see the new movie “Inside Out 2” and visiting the Melbourne Museum to see the 3D Dino! We sure will be having so much fun this Holiday Program! If you have any concerns regarding the holiday program, please don’t hesitate to discuss them with us.
We would like to also remind families that as it's the Winter Holiday Program it can be quite cold some days and we urge all children to come with a jacket or bring a jacket for outside play. We also encourage families to ensure that their children’s lunchboxes are nut free and egg free as TheirCare has a lot of children with allergies that attend the Holiday program. Thank you for your understanding!
A massive thank you to everyone for all your support during Term 2! Have an amazing break and we will see you on the holiday program or in Term 3!
For all families – if you have any questions about TheirCare and would like to come and have a chat, please come and visit us in Emu Corner in the morning or afternoon. Alternatively, you can contact us on the details provided and we will be happy to help you.
TheirCare Team
Angie, Lezley, Damian, Laelle, Charlotte, Zayneb & Fernando
Contact Details:
Service Phone: 0487 004 072
Service Email:
Head Office: 1300 072 410