St. Patrick's Mentone - Newsletter

Christus in Corde Omnium - Christ in the heart of all

Issue 25 · 29 Aug 2024

In this issue

School Dates 2024 Term Dates, 2025 Term Dates
Principal's Report Year 6 Confirmation, Senior Playground Designs, Baby News!, MACSSIS Community Surveys 2024, School Calendar
Deputy Principal's Report Strength of a Mountain, Random Acts of Kindness, Week 7, Double Kindness Award, Illness, Seasons for Growth 
Religious Education Father's Day, Gospel
Cyber Safety 'Among Us' Game Review , Cyber Safety Virtual Classrooms
Performing Arts / Production St Patrick’s 2024 School Production, Key Updates:
Tournament of the Minds Year 5 Maths Game Day
PE News
Literacy News
Parents and Friends Association Upcoming Community Events, P & F - Constitution
The Healthy Hut Canteen Update
St Patrick's Before & After School Care Puzzles enable a child to develop problem solving skills on how to place a piece  in the correct space, cognitive skills through visual awareness, fine motor skills to learn how to grasp and pick up pieces through manipulation, hand- eye co-ordination by placing puzzle pieces in correct order and social skills by completing puzzles with peers. Children have especially enjoyed new puzzles this week.  , The salt art activity was highly successful in engaging the children and allowing them to express their own designs in the activity. It also provided an excellent opportunity for the children to develop fine motor skills and explore sensory experiences through art. , We have spent this week choosing a rock, marbling it, waiting for it to dry and then adding eyes and feather to our pet rocks. Children explored different colour creations when the marbling  took place. Children were excited to see how their rocks dried the next day and were keen to place their eyes and hair on their pet rocks. , Enrolment Information 
Community Information Music Lessons at St Patricks, Taekwondo Lessons at St. Patrick's
Parish Bulletin

Published by St. Patrick's School