Evimero Finance Event

Nat Ayton, Year 12 Coordinator

On Friday last week, Christian Arsenis from Evimero Finance came to speak to our Year 12 students. He talked about several important financial topics such as budgets, taxes, credit ratings and superannuation.


Some of the students had never heard of these concepts before, so it was a very practical and informative presentation. Here's some of the feedback we received from students:

“It was a good base level of information with hints of more advanced things to explore”.
“It was very applicable and caused me to think about how my financial choices now, can affect my future”.
“It made me want to start a budget”.
“He explained both the traps and benefits of using a credit card”.
“He opened my eyes to my individual credit rating and how I can protect it”.
“I really like the 50/30/10/10 guide, as it’s now given me a framework to know how to manage my money”.