Environment Week

Vaughan Barras, Science Teacher and Enviro Club Coordinator

Week 8 of Term 3 marked a time in our Secondary calendar to celebrate God’s good gift of creation and ask ourselves as a school community,  "How can we do our best to care for it?"


Environment Week featured a series of activities that students could take part in to help them think about how heavily we tread on the earth and to learn practical steps we can take to be more responsible stewards of what God has entrusted to us.   


Our Environment Captains, Sarah Price (Year 12) and Ellie Harrison (Year 11), recently led some Friday morning senior homegroups in a paper and recycle bin audit to see how many contaminants could be found.  In each case, certain rubbish items were ending up in the wrong bin, which could result in the entire lot having to go to landfill.  This is something we can do better! 

Our homegroups also competed in an online quiz challenge to see which group was most aware of how waste is managed in Australia as well as some facts about climate science.  Congratulations to Mrs Szallasi and Frau Samuel’s 11B homegroup, as well as Mr Chenoweth and Mrs Fielding’s 10H homegroup for coming equal first place! 


The week concluded with our second annual freecycling book swap which was held in the foyer of the Community Hub to coincide with the Theatre Sports Grand Final.  Students could either donate a book and swap it for another one or bring a gold coin donation and choose a book. The event raised $18 which was donated to Youth Dimension’s work to prevent child trafficking in Nepal.  This vital work provides opportunity, protection and education to women and children - a key response to upholding human rights and climate adaptation in the world’s most vulnerable communities. 


Thank you to our DCC community for your support and enthusiasm during the week.