Celebrating Big and Small

Tanya Vaughan - Head of Primary

There is a strong culture of gratitude and celebration in our College, and it has certainly risen to the forefront as we have ridden the Finding Nemo Jr. wave over these past few weeks. What a delight it has been to see so many members of our community gather and be entertained and blown away by this incredible showcase of colour, costumes, singing, dancing and performance! 


God is good, and we acknowledge that our production was a wonderful way to celebrate His blessings to our school. We have a fabulous team of visionary teachers who led the process of rehearsals and performances and gave their all to see both individual and collective growth in our budding performers! I am grateful for each one of the staff, and celebrate them for all that they are, and all that they continue to bring to every experience that enriches the daily learning of our students.


Our deep hope is to allow every student to contribute in ways that allow them to grow their talent and explore their passions. This allowed performers to shine, the creators to make, the helpers to support and the innovators to design. Each student in Years 3-6 contributed much, and for this we are grateful. We have made sure that as a Primary School we celebrate each person, as well as the collective group.


The blessing of parent partnership is something that holds DCC in a unique and cherished position, and as we wrap up the end of a wonderfully creative process, we thank God for the gift of time, encouragement and creativity that many of our parents freely gave to support the pulling together of our production. Costumes, make-up, sets – these are just a few of the blessings we are thankful for. As a Primary school, we celebrate you too, and say a massive thank you!


Enjoy the photos – they say so much! As you scroll through, take notice of the big and the small details, and join us in showing gratitude for all the little parts that made up the whole.