TheirCare News

Hi parents, guardians, staff, and friends! Welcome to Week 7 of Term 4!

This week has been a lot of fun! The theme for this week is Under the Sea. On Monday we started the week off by creating fish made of paper plates – the children did an amazing job using their imagination and creativity. Most of our younger children love colouring and this week we did a variety of under-the-sea characters – the mermaid has been the favourite so far. In the mornings we played a mix of games in the TheirCare room, with the favourite being the 5-second rule. It was very entertaining to see the children being very competitive to think of the answer within 5 seconds. Also, we have been using the gym as much as possible in the mornings. We have been playing Everybody’s It and Blocked Soccer. In the afternoons we played soccer ball and gaga ball. Also, the children love to create something cool and amazing out of the ironing beads. Indeed, TheirCare is a fun place to be!


This week’s Pupil of the Week is Chase Brown for being a great helper to the younger children and for being respectful towards the staff. Well Done, Chase! You should be proud of yourself!! 😊😊


This week, Angie has been completing the medical audit of all medications and plans for children attending TheirCare. Can all parents keep an eye out for forms being sent home, we understand that it’s a busy time of the year but if you could just sign the form and send it back to us - that would be fantastic! Thank you for your support. 


For all families – if you have any questions about TheirCare and would like to come and have a chat please come and visit us in Emu Corner in the morning and afternoon, alternatively, you can contact us on the details provided and we will help you as best we can. 😊


TheirCare Team

Angie, Connie, Jicinta and Lesley 

Contact Details: 

Service Phone: 0487 004 072 

Service Email: 

Head Office: 1300 072 410