Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

OtisPACFor the amazing job you are doing with dictation. You are listening carefully for the sounds you can hear in order to spell words correctly.
MinhPAKFor being a respectful and eager participant in our swimming program. Keep up the great attitude!
EllaPBDFor being a respectful listener and following instructions during the Grade Prep school swimming program. 
EddiePKTFor the excellent effort you put into activities both inside and outside the classroom.
EviePLBFor being an enthusiastic student during swimming lessons and being efficient with her time when getting ready. Fantastic work Evie!
Lucy1JIFor her dedication and personal best effort taking notes about spiders for her minibeast information report. Your hard work does not go unnoticed. Good job!
Darcy1JSFor always demonstrating Mutual Respect to his peers and showing a growth mindset to all new learning experiences! Thank you for your easy going attitude.
James1LEFor the fantastic effort he put into researching and taking notes about scorpions.
William1LLFor all your great effort when researching spiders. Well done, William!
Olina1TNFor consistently applying personal best effort to all work tasks. Well done, Olina!
Paloma2CWFor her growth mindset and the positive attitude she brings to the classroom.
Emmett2DWFor the resilience you've shown when facing challenges in Reading. It's great to see you succeed - well done!
Tate2HRFor your persistence. It is great to see you try your best to get your work done and stay positive when you find something challenging. You are amazing Tate!
Hamish2TFFor consistently applying your personal best to activities. Your ability to take on feedback and apply it to your work is very impressive!
Etta3CGFor putting in immense effort during all lessons. Your dedication to learning is wonderful!
Lily3MKFor your positive attitude towards learning particularly in Maths. Keep it up.
Rex3MPFor demonstrating participation during whole-class discussions. Well done!
Mai3TMFor your wonderful, positive attitude. You bring so much joy to 3TM!
Hudson4AFFor putting 100% effort into all the work he does. Amazing work Hudson, keep it up!
Donnie4JDFor the fantastic effort he has applied to his persuasive letter to the local council. You added great reasons and detail to support your argument. Well done!
Lola4MSFor her impressive persuasive letter to council urging more books for the blind in public libraries. Great work Lola!
Tyler4TCFor showing kindness in the yard and a Growth Mindset in maths. Well done, Tyler!
Mollie5LWFor going above and beyond to complete her Lit Circle role to an excellent standard. Well done, Mollie.
Harvey5MCFor always contributing to class discussions and seeing the bright side of things. Well done, Harvey.
Max5SMFor lightening the mood in 5SM and bringing joy and humour to our classroom. (As voted by your classmates)
Ren5THFor your outstanding effort in all learning tasks this term! Awesome work!
Audrey6LCFor the fantastic word choice and emotive language you used in your Slam Poetry. It was a joy to read, Audrey!
William6MCFor always being a helpful student and using his manners. Keep it up!
Wiremu6MPFor your improved effort to complete tasks. Great work, Wiremu!
Chase Brown - 6MCTheirCareFor being a great helper to the younger children and for being respectful towards the staff. Well done, Chase!