Principal's Report

Principal: Brendan Millar

In this Week's Newsletter

  • Appreciations and News…
    • Farewell - Natalie and Angela 
    • Prep swimming
    • JSC Kindness day
    • Announcing new staff
  • Coming up...tomorrow 
    • Grade 6 2024 graduation polo deadline
    • Summer sport 
    • Assembly
  • Coming week
    • Prep swimming continues
    • Second Hand uniform stall 
    • Parents Association Thank You event and AGM
    • Summer sport
  • Coming up...over the next few weeks
    • Bizarre Hair and PJ Day on Thursday, 30th November.
    • Concert week
  • Repeated (and updated) messages

Appreciations and News

Farewell - In news that was shared a couple of weeks ago, Natalie Hill will be leaving her role in the office. Indeed today is Natalie’s final day.  We acknowledged Natalie’s terrific work with a staff morning tea on Wednesday.  We also acknowledged our education support staff member Angela Dickson who will shortly go on leave for the remainder of this year and for all of 2024.


Prep Swimming - A big appreciation to the prep staff and parents who have been key contributors to a successful first few days of our Prep intensive swimming program this week.  The preps excitement felt electric on Monday morning, and while at age 5 or 6 it is hard to keep the spark all week, they are doing an amazing job following routines, energetically participating in lessons and getting themselves dressed independently.  Holding our swim program in Term 4 has received the thumbs up from the Prep team due to the increased maturity of the children in comparison to a semester 1 program. In 2024, Prep swimming has again been booked for 4th Term.


JSC Kindness Day - It was fantastic to see our JSC members engaged, especially with our younger students, creating kindness cards at our Buddy Bus Stop at lunch time this week. 


Staffing Changes for 2024 - We are pleased that in a challenging recruitment environment we have confirmed our staffing for next year.  We welcome the following teachers and support staff to our learning community:

  • Michelle Metcalf will join the grade 1 team.
  • Bec Grieve will join the grade 2 team.
  • Caitlyn McVilly will join the grade 4 team.
  • Ryan Cox will join the grade 5 team. 
  • Kieran Ryan will join the grade 6 team. 
  • Federica Mancusi will join the Specialist’s team as our new Italian language teacher.
  • Gareth Wakefield will join the classroom based education support team.

All class roles for next year will be shared in a future newsletter.


We anticipate all new teaching staff will join us for our Through School Transition day on Tuesday, 12th December.

Coming up…tomorrow

Grade 6 2024 Commemorative Shirts - A reminder that the cut off date for ordering is tomorrow, (Friday) 17th November.  


Summer Sports - Tomorrow our grade 6 sporting teams will be playing an away game at St John's PS. Students will walk to venues.  Parents and carers are welcome to attend.


Assembly - With a forecast of milder weather than last week, we are planning for  assembly to return to the Bilby shade sail location at 2.40 pm tomorrow.  We have now had a full rotation of classes to have presented an assembly item this year - a highlight of our return to weekly live assemblies.  In the final few assemblies for the year we will see some additional presentations from our senior grades.  Tomorrow 6LC will present.

Coming up…next week

Prep swimming program … continues. 


Our Parents Association Second hand uniform shop will be operating from 3.00 pm on Thursday.  Please enter via the office entrance.


Parents Association Thank you event and AGM - will also be held on Thursday evening at 7.00 pm at Harley and Rose in Barkly St.  Please read the item (on the FWPS Parents Association page).  PA fills a very important role in our school community, but we need your help to maintain this next year.

Coming up...over the next few weeks

Bizarre Hair and PJ Day - This is a grade 6 captains inspiration and will be held in fortnight (week 9), on Thursday, 30th November.  Information will be shared at tomorrow’s assembly.


Concert Week … will be held during week 10.  Please check the specific Compass posts that were posted on Monday for each mini concert grouping.





Repeated (and updated) messages…