School Assembly 

Our next assembly will be Friday 14th June 2024 commencing at 2.40pm. We hope to see you there!

School Assembly for the 2nd Term Dates

Here are the dates that our school assemblies will be held In Term 2


*Friday 14th June at 2.40pm

*Friday 28th June at 2.40pm

Jelly Bean Cup 

The Year 5-6 class are to  be commended for winning the Jelly Bean Cup, which acknowledged the top class demonstrating outstanding leadership abilities. Additionally, I wish to congratulate all the students listed below, who have been recognized for their remarkable achievements in the academic setting.


It will be intriguing to witness which class emerges victorious in the Jelly Bean Cup during our upcoming assembly on Friday, June 14th.


Classroom Awards



Eden Partridge - Consistently showing eagerness to learn and actively participating in every aspect of school.

Harrison Hoy - Creating amazing drawings and paintings. You are a fabulous artist!


Year 1/2

Charlotte Curtis - Trying so hard in reading time with her fluency and accuracy.

Shane Zorgdrager - Sharing his great answers in Maths time.


Year 3/4

William Lisle - His enthusiasm for his learning and for always trying his best in all areas of learning.

Isaac Olrich - Jumping into the learning pit in all spelling lessons and for demonstrating persistence to recall and apply the rules he has learned.


Year 5/6

Katie Rizzi - Demonstrating great skills in various target games.

Henry Blomfield - Showing a thorough understanding of all of the content we have covered so far in science and technology.


Special Awards


Harriet Laurie: Community Recognition Statement for her winning entry of last year's K-2 Students as Author's competition.


Annabelle Patterson-Kane (received by Jessica): Community Recognition Statement for her outstanding sporting accomplishments from last year.