Our Faith - Religion - Prayer 

 St Patrick's Church Walcha 

For Baptism or Marriage enquiries phone Monsignor Ted Wilkes 67784070.


Monsignor Ted Wilkes would like to invite parishioners to Sunday Mass 10am.



Term 2 Mass Dates

*Friday 24th May: Mass at 11.30am

*Friday 7th June: Mass at 11.30am (Reconciliation for eligible candidates after Mass)

*Friday 21st June: Mass and Blessed Exposition at 11.30am


The Australian priest Father Ted Kennedy was truly a person of the Holy Spirit. He devoted himself to the Indigenous community in Redfern, an inner Sydney Suburb. He opened his home to them and set up a medical service in the back part of the parish church.


Father Ted lived his belief that Christ was to be found in the lives of the poor. Many would see Father Ted as a future saint for Australia. He died in 2005.



During this time of year, we are frequently prompted to reflect on the significant role the Holy Spirit plays in our lives, particularly as the church prepares to observe Pentecost this coming Sunday.


The Feast of Pentecost is one of the most significant and cherished events in the Christian calendar. It is celebrated 50 days after Easter Sunday and marks the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles of Jesus Christ. The Feast of Pentecost, also known as the Feast of Weeks, is a time of spiritual renewal, reflection, and rejoicing. 


The story of Pentecost is found in the book of Acts, which describes how the apostles were gathered in Jerusalem when they suddenly heard a sound like a rushing wind. They then saw tongues of fire that rested on each of them, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. This event enabled them to speak in different languages, and they began to preach the gospel to the crowds that had gathered in Jerusalem for the festival. 


Pentecost is significant because it marks the birth of the Christian Church. The Holy Spirit, which descended upon the apostles, empowered them to spread the message of the gospel to people of all nations. The apostles were no longer afraid to speak about Jesus Christ, and they were able to do so with great conviction and power. 


The Feast of Pentecost is also significant because it symbolises the unity of the Church. The apostles, who were from different backgrounds and spoke different languages, were able to communicate with each other through the power of the Holy Spirit. This event marked the beginning of a new community of believers who were united in their faith in Jesus Christ.




That the Spirit of peace may bring unity among our families and friends,

let us pray to the Lord: Come Holy Spirit.


That the Spirit of knowledge may open the scriptures to us,

let us pray to the Lord: Come Holy Spirit.


That the Spirit of wisdom may guide the leaders of our church,

let us pray to the Lord: Come Holy Spirit.


Let us bring our hope and needs to God, 

as we pray: God of peace hear our prayer.


Mass , Friday 24th May at 11.30am

The entire school community will gather together to commemorate the Feast of Mary Help of Christians, Australia's patron saint, on Friday, May 24th at 11:30am. We extend a warm invitation to everyone to join us in this celebration.

First Eucharist

Four students will participate in the sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time on Sunday, June 2nd, at St. Patrick's Church. As these students embark on their journey of understanding and appreciating the teachings and sacrifice of Jesus Christ through this sacrament, our thoughts and prayers are with them.


Thursday 30 May 2024 Armidale Diocese Catholic Schools Week Deanery Mass


Calling for Altar Servers

It is great to see we will have four students receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time in the upcoming weeks. Did you know that once a child can receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion they can take part in altar serving at both of our school and parish Masses?


Monsignor Wilkes is looking out for any of our students who would like to become an altar server. Altar Servers must be Catholic and have a basic understanding of the mystery of Jesus present in the Eucharist and of the importance of prayerful reverence in their role as Altar servers.


Servers will be shown how to serve commencing in the near future during lunchtime.


A questionnaire will be sent home via Compass after the 2nd June to all of the families whose children have completed the Sacrament of Holy Communion Preparation Program. If you have any questions regarding altar serving, don't hesitate to get in touch with Mr Hyatt.




Sacrament Dates for 2024

2024 First Reconciliation: Date has been set for our Catholic students in Years 2 and 3 for Friday 1st November 2024.


2024 First Eucharist: Date has been set for our Catholic students in Year 3 for Sunday 2nd June 2024.


Catherine McAuley

Catherine’s spirituality was centred on the mercy of God…prayer in action…action in prayer.