School Council
School Council membership 2024
Parent members
- Daniel Bevz
- Rick Bottiiglieri
- Ben Gibson
- Fiona Limoli
- Tom Rundle
- Brian Stanley
- Robert Thorp
- Laura Tripp
Employee members
- Elisha Katsonis
- Jarrod Sutton
School Council Secretary
- Sandra Monaghan
Office Bearers
School Council President
Brian Stanley
School Council Vice President
Robert Thorp
School Council Treasurer
Tom Rundle
School Council Meeting Report 27th May
School Council convened on 27 May.
The first part of the meeting primarily worked through the reports from the various committees, a summary of which follows ;
Junior School Council (JSC)
The JSC have recently spent some time reflecting on their purpose and how they can help the school. In addition, JSC are ;
- promoting student engagement (eg. new Coding and Band Clubs);
- ensuring they maintain a clean school environment; and
- planning special events and days (eg. Winter Solstice Pyjama Day)
Principal Report
Jarrod provided a report on a number of items, including ;
- General staffing updates;
- Capital Works Report, which are progressing well;
- The recently completed (independent) OHS Audit, which the school received positive feedback; and
- Progress for 2025 student planning for the incoming intake (eg School Tours) and supporting the transition for year 6 students into year 7.
Resources Committee
The School Council heard the outcomes from the recent Resources committee, which included;
- the formal acceptance of the confirmed Cash Budget (which was separately approved by the School Council)
- discussions regarding fundraising activities and approval of future plans;
- Camp Australia survey feedback.
Community Engagement and Partnerships Committee
Jarrod shared some reflections from the recent meeting, reflections including;
- the Mothers Day Stall, which is an opportunity for students to purchase a gift for a significant person in their life and the Open Morning held on the 13th of May
- school communication and the Parent Group to push out to their classrooms highlights from the school newsletter
- feedback was sought from the Parent Group regarding what the annual Trivia night could look like for the parent community
Education Committee
Elisha presented on the discussions arising from the recent meeting, which included the assessment of the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP). The Annual Implementation plan was endorsed by the Senior Education Improvement Leader and the Education Committee. This is part of the School’s annual planning process and drives many of the schools actions throughout the year.
The second half of the meeting, the members of the School Council completed the Self Assessment Tool. This is a process that the Department of Education encourages each School Council to complete each year as a mechanism to assess their performance and identify areas in which they can collectively improve. A number of improvement initiatives were agreed upon, an example of which was for the School Council to participate in additional strategic planning training and explore targeted options for sub-committee members.
Robert Thorp
School Councillor
School Council and Sub Committee meetings
Monday 3rd June
Education meeting 6:30pm
Tuesday 11th June
Resources meeting 6:30pm
Friday 14th June
Community Engagement 9:00am
Monday 24th June
School Council meeting 6:30pm
No meetings
Monday 5th August
Education meeting 6:30pm
Tuesday 13th August
Resources meeting 6:30pm
Monday 26th August
School Council meeting 6:30pm
No meetings
Monday 7th October
Education meeting 6:30pm
Tuesday 15th October
Resources meeting 6:30pm
Monday 28th October
School Council meeting 6:30pm
Monday 11th November
Education meeting 6:30pm
Tuesday 12th November
Resources meeting 6:30pm
Monday 25th November
School Council meeting 6:30pm
Tuesday 10th December
Resources meeting 6:30pm
Monday 16th December
School Council 6:00pm