Education News 

National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) was held from the 27th May – 3rd June. 

At school, teachers used this as an opportunity to learn more about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

Classes participated in this learning in a variety of ways. The Grade 2 teachers worked with their students to develop an acknowledgement of country and to understand their peers and their cultural backgrounds. Photos attached provide some examples of the learning in this area.


Maths CAT

Hi from the Maths CAT                                       Numbers are all around us; big, small and fractional. We see numbers every time we go for a walk around our neighbourhood. Notice the house numbers next time you go for a stroll and challenge your family with the activities below. 

For younger students

Patterns: One day walk on the even number side of the street and the next on the odd number side. Notice which numbers are on the two sides. Say the numbers, count up and down…what do you notice?

For older students

Number: Spot a number and use it as a “Launchpad” for naming things that “make it”, for example: “There’s an 84, that's 2x42, 4x21, 10x8.4, 5x16.8, half of 168 etc.”

What other maths do you notice whilst strolling with your family?


Have fun noticing all the maths in your neighbourhood!