Principal's Report
Dear families and friends of MPW,
Congratulations to our 10 students who represented the school at Division Cross Country last week. We have 5 students who qualified for the Regional Championships. As always, we encourage those to give their best effort and be proud of the achievement to make the Regional level. Thanks to Bree and the parents who supported our students.
Well done to our percussion students who performed yesterday at assembly and to our F/1 students from Room 16 who shared a musical performance about ‘friends of 10’ in maths. It was a great way to start the week!
Road works at the front of the school
A reminder that the council has now begun road works to add three traffic islands, two near our school crossing on Athol St and one on Bowen St. The works may take up to two weeks to complete. Please be mindful of these works and potential traffic disruptions.
Drop off and Pick up Zones Reminder
There have been reports to the school about some parents parking in ‘drop off and pick up’ zones on Eglinton Street. These areas are for quick drop off or pick up only and not a parking zone. With limited parking, this ensures parents are able to quickly pull over to collect children and move on.
With the current road works and Capital Works program, we ask that parents be mindful of parking signs and rules around the school especially Eglinton and Athol Street. Our priority is to ensure students arrive and depart the school safely, and your support to ensure this occurs is appreciated by following the signage.
Annual General Meeting and Annual Report
On 27th May, we held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) prior to our scheduled School Council Meeting. The AGM provided the opportunity for the school to present the Annual Report for 2023 to the community, sharing highlights, areas of focus and achievements for the 2023 school year. The Annual Report document can be found on the school’s website.
Please find attached our 2024 Annual Implementation Plan flyer for the community to allow you to see what the core focus of work is this year at the school.
Upcoming Student Free Days
The school will be closed on Monday 10th June for the King’s Birthday Public Holiday.
Our next scheduled Curriculum Day will be Monday 15th July (first day of Term 3). This date has been selected as least disruption to families and provides opportunity for staff to engage in professional learning. The focus for staff on this day will be developing and strengthening their knowledge in ‘Reading’.
Semester 1 Reports
Teachers are currently working through their standardised assessments of students to support the Semester 1 Reporting obligations. A formal written report will be published on Compass on Friday 21st June. This report will give families the opportunity to see their child(ren)’s progress against the Victorian Curriculum. Leading into these reports, we will be sharing a document on how to get the most out of the Semester Report.
Early in Term 3, we will then hold our 3-way conference meetings where students, parents and teachers can discuss the semester report and students’ achievement in the first half of the year. These are generally held in week 3 of the term.
We will provide more information before the end of term regarding both the Semester Reporting and 3-way conferences.
2025 Foundation Enrolments
Applications for Foundation enrolments for 2025 are open. The new statewide process continues this year, with specific timelines where application close on 29th July.
For families at MPW that will be having siblings join the school in 2025, please ensure that you collect your enrolment form at the office.
You can find information and resources about the new timeline, including factsheets, at: Enrolling in Foundation (Prep).
Student Attendance
A standing item in my report will be on Student Attendance, as this is a continual focus for our network and region.
Whilst most of our student absences are for illness or family holidays, we will be tracking attendance more closely this year. We are particularly interested in ensuring there are no unexplained absences for students. This is regularly followed up by our administration staff.
Over the coming weeks, we will continue following up with families who have large numbers of non-attendance for the first half of the year.