Principal's Report

Principal: Brendan Millar

Special Final Newsletter for 2023 - Tuesday, 19th December

We have decided to provide one more newsletter in the final brief week of Term 4 to acknowledge events celebrated at assembly last Friday and to inform/remind families of some Term 1 upcoming events that require permission and commitment. 

Attention / Reminders

The following Compass posts have been sent to the relevant families either last week, or this week.  We understand that the timing is far from ideal.  Unfortunately, as we have a series of swimming and camp events occurring very early in Term 1, we need to ascertain commitment in advance to confirm our bookings.  In the case of camps, we require a significant deposit by the dates stated in the posts. For the grade 3 Zoo Snooze camp booking that closes today (Tuesday, 19th December) members of the office team have been ringing to remind families that had not yet responded to either agree or decline the invitation.  This will not be possible for the grade 4 camp where the booking deadline is 5th January, 2024.  In this case there will be a couple of Compass reminders to families who have not responded.  Please check any Compass posts over the break for that reason.

  • Families of students in grade 3 next year have until today to book a place on our Zoo Snooze camps for week 4 of Term 1 next year (Compass post sent last week).
  • Swimming for grade 1 and 2 students next year will be held on week 4 and 5 of Term 1 next year. Bookings opened last week and will close on Thursday, 1st February during the first week of Term 1. This post was sent to families yesterday
  • Students in grade 4 next year have until January 5th (yes, in school holidays) to commit to the Term 1, 14th/15th and March overnight camp to Campaspe Downs.  This post was sent to families yesterday.  We will remind relevant families of the unusual deadline via Compass posts over the next couple of weeks.
  • Grade 4, 5 and 6 swimming trials will be held on Friday 2nd February (the first Friday of Term 1).  Payment and permission will be required by Tuesday, 30th January (the very first day that students will be attending school next year).  This event is only for competitive swimmers and will be utilised in order to select a squad of swimmers for the FDPSSA swim event the following Friday.  This post was sent yesterday to families of students in grades 4, 5 and 6 next year.
  • Permission will also be sought for grade 4, 5 and 6 students to attend our School Cross Country trials at Shorten Reserve on Friday, 16th February, the end of Week 3. This is of no cost, however, permission is required by Friday, 9th February.

  • Appreciations…
    • Parents/Carers Morning Tea was held last Friday
    • Ciao Giuliano
    • Annual Chris Goethel Environment Team award
    • Inaugural Marrung Student Leader award
    • Staff who are leaving FWPS
  • News
    • Assembly tomorrow
    • School concludes at 1.20 pm tomorrow, Wednesday 20th December
  • Repeated (and updated) messages


Parent and Carer’s Appreciation Morning Tea - We were delighted to host so many parents and carers for our Appreciation morning tea last Friday.  It was absolutely terrific to see the large number of parents and carers who have assisted in a wide variety of support roles this year in attendance, appreciating the fine and plentiful food that the staff team had brought along.  It was another ‘back to normal’ moment - another one we cherished.


At Friday’s Assembly Last Week …


Ciao Giuliano - The Specialist team with the assistance of all grades prepared a most unique celebration of our outgoing Italian teacher, Giuliano’s 16 years at FWPS at the beginning of Friday’s assembly.


Environment Team Chris Goethel Award 2023 (Presented by Michael Padgett and Caity Gray)


Firstly, we would like to acknowledge the work of Anna and Helen, who have steered the Environment team before Michael and I stepped into the role of Environment Team Leaders this year. It has been such a privilege for us to work with such an amazing and dedicated group of students from across the school. 


We are so grateful to the Parents Association for their generous donation so that we could purchase some gloves and tongs for Litter Pick Up, and also grateful to the parents who assisted us in taking students from grades 3 -6 to CERES Environmental Park; an experience that inspired and rejuvenated our young leaders. 


We would also like to give a big appreciation to all Environment Team members. It has been such a rewarding year with so many committed and enthusiastic Environment Team representatives. A big thank you to all representatives & back up representatives for their terrific commitment, ideas, participation and inspiration.


The Chris Goethel award is awarded every year to a student in the Environment Team who has demonstrated a commitment to environmental issues and caring for our school.

Today we recognise an Environment Team Representative for their outstanding contributions to our school's environmental activism throughout the year. 

This person may not be the loudest voice in the room, but their commitment to environmental change is undeniable. They are consistently at meetings, showing up and volunteering for projects, as well as leading by example. To be a leader is not just about your willingness to share ideas, but to also listen and act upon ideas from others.

Whether it's weeding our garden, cleaning up litter, or raising awareness about sustainability, this person is always willing to lend a hand. They are a dedicated team player who supports others, particularly our junior school representatives and encourages them to voice their ideas. 


But beyond the actions, what truly shines through is this person’s genuine passion for protecting our planet. They embody the spirit of caring for the environment and inspires others to do the same.


We want to thank you for being such an incredible role model for your peers. Your commitment, leadership, and quiet passion are making a real difference in our school and our community.


It is with great pleasure that we present the Chris Goethel award to Archer Campbell!!

Inaugural Marrung Award (presented by Tess Maddison)


For those of you who don’t know, my name is Tess and I run the Marrung Student Representative Team at FWPS. Before I announce the winner of the first ever Marrung student award, I would like to show my appreciation for all of the Marrung students and back up representatives. Thank you for your commitment to acknowledging, respecting and valuing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their cultures.


I would also like to thank Kerrie for organising our outstanding excursion to Footscray Community Arts and Rebecca Alkan for supporting us on the day.


Today we celebrate the outstanding achievements of a remarkable student. They are receiving this award for their unwavering commitment and excellent attendance at our Marrung meetings each fortnight.


This student is curious - often asking insightful questions and posing interesting queries. In addition to their inquisitive nature, they have been a source of creative and thoughtful ideas during our meetings and they often contribute positively to our discussions and projects.


The winner of this award shines in the Marrung team as a quiet leader, effortlessly guiding their peers with calm and thoughtful actions.


This student proves that every voice, regardless of age, can make an impact. At FWPS we value diversity and inclusion, and this student’s actions are an example of the positive change that can occur when young minds are engaged and empowered.

The 2023 Marrung student award goes to… Lachlan Sketchley!

We also wish to again make reference and acknowledge staff and families who are leaving us, in some cases for only a year of leave…


The following staff members will be leaving FWPS:


Giuliano will be finishing up tomorrow after 16 years at FWPS.  I think a whole career was expressed during that amazing pre assembly extravaganza. Thank you Giuliano for the wonderful creative zest that you have provided for generations of FWPS students.


Yvonne will be retiring tomorrow after 13 years at FWPS and many more in the workforce.  A well earned respite and much more time to exercise her grandmotherly rights and to travel frequently!  Yvonne has been a rock in the admin team over the years.  A great mix of common sense, flexibility, consideration and conscientiousness.  


Jess will be going on maternity leave and looking forward to a very big next phase in her life.  We wish Jess and Monty the very best.


Kris will be moving onto Footscray North PS.  We appreciate Kris joining us mid year in a brand new career after previously knowing him as a caring and supportive FWPS parent.  We wish Kris the very best for his next teaching opportunity within his neighbourhood.


Shannon will be taking an official year away from FWPS but will be always welcome back as a CRT next year.


Caity will be taking a year off to support her mum.  She has taken a Monday to Wednesday role at Monbulk Primary School but we may also see her guesting in a CRT spot at some time.  


Congratulations to Troy on the account of his upcoming wedding to his partner Rachael during the holidays in NSW.  May it all go wonderfully well!


We also acknowledge the FWPS families that are leaving us as their last child graduates this year and to families who are moving onto different neighbourhoods and new schools. 


Grade 6 families with last child graduating from FWPS:

Michael BayarsaikhanNoah BoltonEla Catakoglu
Ka Hii ChoongElise CohenChrista Cursio
Atlas DeanEden DenbySimren Deshmukh
Joshua GriffioenSam Handley-MacciolliRachel Hanley
Jack HarveyWillem HollidayMae Hookins
Mahibah HossainMarcus JovanMaya Krauss
Eli LiebermanLuca LongleySadie MacDonell
Will MansfieldThomas MarksAlice May-Weiss
Ryder MilesSinon MohammadLily Morris
Berton NguyenLily NivenHarrison Palombella
Lucas PhamMorgan PhamJack Polli
William PolliTorin RobertsWilliam Roberts
Finley RoweAyush SaraswatAsher Sheldon
Rayn ShikderBillie ShortisKathryn Tregear
Sophia Watson  

Families who are leaving / left FWPS:

Flynn BarberFelix BorrieWilliam Borrie
Nina CarterGabriel FarrarHunter Foster
Tyler FosterJames HanleyAmelie Heath
Tilly JoyceLolly LeeEtta McLauchlan
Audrey McLauchlanMelissa MohammadiLincoln Nguyen
James ParrCami RichesCherri Riches
Harper VoTruong VoThommeyer Weston

Assembly - We will hold a brief final assembly (outdoors if weather permits) from approximately 1.00 pm on Wednesday, 20th December.  School will be dismissed for the January holidays at 1.20 pm.  Their Care will run their program from this earlier time on this day.  Please ensure you have made arrangements to collect your child at this earlier time.


Firstly, we will dismiss our grade 6 graduates to some fanfare. Next our Preps will return to their classrooms to collect their bags where they will be dismissed as usual. Finally, grades 1 to 5 will be dismissed from the assembly area. All grades 1 to 6 will have their bags with them for this assembly, so will not need to return to their rooms.






Repeated (and updated) messages…