Middle School

Mr Michael Busscher, Head of Middle School

Both Years 9 and 10 students have settled well into 2025, though some boys are still looking at the possibility of subject changes. This is a slow process and sometimes disappointing for a student, as all subjects need to be individually reviewed not only for first semester but second semester. This data is unfortunately unable to be seen in Simon which is how the students and parents can view their timetables. 


Our College Timetabler is busy working through each one and is advising students via email if their change is possible or not. Please be aware that changes are not always possible due to a number of constraints such as timetable clashes, trying to change into a subject that students are already enrolled in for Semester 2, and finally, the class is already at capacity. I hope that this helps to clear up any concerns students and families may be experiencing. 


Rite Journey team building activities at Lake Dewar.
Rite Journey team building activities at Lake Dewar.


On a different note, the Year 9’s had a wonderful, though quite hot, excursion to Lake Dewar, undergoing their Rite Journey team building day. A great time was had by all, and a very positive experience was shared among Homeroom Teachers and the boys. The confidence to try new experiences was appreciated by everyone and it assists with future endeavours throughout Year 9 as the boys’ transition to both the Melbourne Experience in the last week of Term 2 and the Grampians Camp in Week Five of Term 4. 


On a personal note, a huge thank you to all of our Middle School families who attended our Parent Information Night last week. This opportunity unfortunately can be missed by some families for a plethora of reasons, so I encourage you to read through the presentations attached below. As we all know Term 1 is very busy but I must say, I for one, am very pleased with how much progress is being made.