Enhanced Learning
Ms Kerryn Parkinson, Head of Enhanced Learning
Enhanced Learning
Ms Kerryn Parkinson, Head of Enhanced Learning
As we step into another exciting year at SPC, the Enhanced Learning Faculty extends a warm welcome to all students and families. Our team is here to support students where required across all year levels, ensuring they have the resources and assistance they need to thrive academically and personally throughout the school year.
We are excited to remind all SPC students from Years 7-12 about our Homework Group, which runs every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evening in the KRC (Kelty Resource Centre) from 3:35 pm to 4:30 pm. This is a valuable opportunity for students to access extra help and support for completing their study and homework.
The Homework Group is supervised by Teachers and supported by Learning Support Officers, providing a focused and quiet space for students to work. It is opt-in; students are expected to stay for the full duration of the session. Should your child need to leave early a note in their diary is sufficient, to permit them to leave prior to the 4:30pm dismissal time.
We encourage all students who need additional assistance or a supportive environment to come along and make the most of this fantastic opportunity. All SPC students are welcome!
For families of students in Senior School (VCE Unit 3 & 4, VCE-VM Unit 3 & 4 subjects or Year 2 VET subjects), the Enhanced Learning Faculty would like to bring your attention to VCAA Special Provision applications. These provisions are available to students who meet specific eligibility criteria and have undertaken the application process for VCAA Special Provisions.
A fact sheet detailing Special Provisions through VCAA is attached to this edition of The Crest, and we encourage families to read through it carefully. An email was sent to all Senior School student’s parents late last year regarding this matter. Additionally, parents of students supported by the Enhanced Learning department should have received further information via email earlier this week.
If you have not received any information about Special Provision Applications and believe your child may be eligible, please reach out to Matt Miller, Head of Senior School at mmiller@stpats.vic.edu.au, or Kerryn Parkinson, Head of Enhanced Learning at kparkinson@stpats.vic.edu.au, to discuss next steps.
We look forward to another successful year and are here to help students achieve their best.