Principal's report

Mr Steven O'Connor


Excellence is one of the College’s four Pillars and as such, we constantly strive for excellence in all that we do. Some will automatically think of excellence in terms of grades or results, but as a school that is committed to educating every student holistically, we know that excellence can manifest itself in so many ways and that it looks like and means different things to different students. 


This week, the College received feedback about the actions and conduct of our students which could be classified as a form of personal excellence. Several examples from different people in the community in which senior students went out of their way to assist and support some of our new Year 7 students find their way and to reassure them of their support. Wonderful examples of young men with strong character, compassion and a clear sense of community. This is vitally important to St Patrick’s and it is very encouraging to know that this is happening.


In relation to excellence, I think it is important for our young men to know that often excellence is achieved rarely through perfection. It is most often achieved through perseverance, dedication in chasing something they are passionate about, commitment and determination and through learning from mistakes. As our students continue to make their way along their educational journey, it is important for them to know that it is OK to make mistakes and that often, this can be the most poignant and powerful element of their learning.   


Yesterday the College came together for the Academic Excellence Assembly.  We warmly welcomed back members of the class of 2024 who had achieved some wonderful outcomes: an ATAR of 90 or above, a study score of 40+ in at least one of their subjects and/or they are a Dux of a VCE Study. These are fantastic achievements and are worthy of acknowledgement at such an important gathering. Our 2024 College Dux, Brodie Graham, was also present and spoke wonderfully during the assembly. (Read Brodie's speech below).


As a school, our core business is teaching and learning and therefore, to honour and celebrate academic endeavour, achievement and excellence is an incredibly important thing to do and speaks clearly about how we value excellence as a school. 


As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition, we strive to educate our students towards wisdom; we strive to provide a liberating education characterised by quality teaching and learning, critical reflection and engagement, where students work towards achieving their personal best academically, where a world view developed in our young men is informed and shaped by compassion and commitment to justice and solidarity, where the wisdom they reach liberates them and equips them with the skills and disposition to challenge and question what needs to be, and to live hope-filled, meaningful and successful professional and personal lives. 


Yesterday’s assembly acknowledges and celebrates one of the central measures we apply to education – academic growth and achievement. We remain committed to supporting every student in his academic journey. St Pat’s has incredible staff whose professional approach to their work is inspiring and unwavering. We are blessed with outstanding facilities which allow us to deliver the students a quality education. All of these ingredients are important and contribute to the exceptional results we acknowledge and celebrated yesterday. 


But one key ingredient comes from every single student of St Patrick’s. And this ingredient has contributed to the incredible outcomes achieved by those who received awards and prizes yesterday. That is their understanding of how important and relevant school is in their formation and preparation for life and their willingness to engage with is constructively, diligently, enthusiastically and with a genuine sense of appreciation and thanks. 


Not all schools are like St Pat’s. Not all students are presented with such wonderful opportunities. I ask the students to be conscious of this, appreciate it and make the most of every opportunity available to them, particularly when it comes to their learning and studies. 


When anyone asks me what’s the best thing about St Pat’s, I always say – it’s the students. It is their enthusiasm, energy, humour, positive disposition, zest for life, and the sheer joy they bring to the College every day. These qualities define who they are and create the unique spirit and community of St Patrick’s.  This is great, and I love all of this – the way they commit to sport, music, service, friendships, and to being the best version of themselves. 


Academic achievement and excellence is not about being the smartest person in the room; it is about being the most determined, the most curious, and the most willing to persevere through challenges. It is about embracing opportunities to learn, to stretch your thinking, to ask questions, and to work hard even when the path ahead seems really difficult.


Each student is being given an incredible gift—the gift of education in a pretty amazing school. It’s both an incredible opportunity and a privilege that should never be taken for granted. Knowledge has the power to transform lives, to open doors, and to help shape the world around them. But it is only through effort, resilience, and a commitment to engaging positively, growth and excellence that they will truly harness its potential.


In yesterday’s assembly I asked the students the following: “What attitude do you bring to your studies? Do you give your best effort, or do you settle for ‘just enough’? Do you approach learning with curiosity and a willingness to grow, or do you see it as a chore or just something to get through?”


I asked them to think about how making the most of their education – and engaging with it consistently and enthusiastically – will set them up for success in their adult life. Basically, it will provide them with a whole lot more choices and through these, greater opportunities to be more successful in their chosen career and in their personal lives. Engaging positively with their education will also improve their communication and people skills and make them more effective and successful as a small businessman, as a tradie or as a lawyer, doctor or teacher. And importantly – regardless of their career pathway beyond St Pat’s – a quality education, will help to set them up as a good person – a young man with strong character, compassion and an understanding of how they can contribute to community positively and effectively in every way possible.


The students we celebrated yesterday—those who have excelled academically in 2024—have demonstrated that success does not come from talent alone. It comes from a commitment to learning, from consistent effort, from hard work, from a belief in their own potential, and from an understanding of why this is so important as they prepare for your lives as adults. Their achievements remind us that academic growth and excellence is within reach for all of us, not just for a select few.


As we acknowledged their hard work yesterday, I asked the students to allow themselves to be inspired by the award recipients. To let their success challenge each of us to reflect on our own efforts, to set higher standards for ourselves, and to embrace every learning opportunity with determination, enthusiasm and an understanding of its relevance and significance in their formation as young adult men.  The future is theirs to shape.  I asked them to work hard, believe in themselves, and strive for excellence in all that they do. The journey may not always be easy, but it will always be worth it, and that is so important.


As we finish one week and start another, our focus will turn to Athletics Day and the Head of the Lake.  I know that each student will do their best when they are competing as they strive for excellence in another form. For those who are supporting, I ask them to please wear their House colour or Spit Crew tops with pride and support their peers as they would like to be supported, and remember that each student is a representative of this amazing College.  I ask them to be aware of the excellent organisation that goes on behind the scenes to enable them to enjoy these wonderful, carefree times amongst their fellow students. 


I wish all students the very best for next week as they compete in the annual House Athletics carnival on Monday, and especially the boys who will represent the College at the Head of the Lake regatta on Sunday, 23 February – good luck to all crews!  


Excellence will mean a different thing to each student, and we will do our best to help them achieve what they want that to look like. I ask and hope that they match our efforts in helping them get there and wish them all the best on their journey, it’s a pretty amazing ride.