From the Principal

9 November, 2023

Student Leadership

At POPS, we're committed to providing students with valuable leadership opportunities that help them develop essential skills in leadership, organisation, and community involvement. 


As part of our school's tradition, all year 6 students will have a leadership role. Next Monday, year 5 students will have the opportunity to apply for positions in the Library, Technology, Environment, Canteen, and Office Teams.


Students interested in leadership roles, such as School Captain, Vice Captain, or Community House Captain, will deliver speeches to demonstrate their suitability. The shortlisted candidates will also have an interview with Mrs. Bullen and myself, as part of the selection process.


 We wish all applicants the best of luck, and we eagerly anticipate announcing the leadership positions during the Celebration Assembly on December 4.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day marks the date in 1918 when the First World War came to an end. It is officially observed at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month each year.


Remembrance Day will be marked by a pause at 11 am on Saturday 11 November 2023 for a minute’s silence, to remember people's service and sacrifice.

Life Education

In the next two weeks, students will participate in Life Education sessions, where they'll learn valuable skills for leading a healthy lifestyle. The program covers age-appropriate lessons on various health-related topics, including the human body, healthy eating, nutrition, bullying, cyber safety, resilience, and social skills.

Behind the News

Congratulations to 3O and Ms Owen for having their 'shout out' aired during this week's BTN episode! Fast forward to 11:55 to see it.

Start of the day

This is a reminder that the grounds are open at 8:45 am. Students are encouraged to carry their bags and walk independently into the building and classrooms. Parents who wish to drop their children off before 8:45am should be accessing OSHClub. It is unsafe and not advised to drop students off at the gate unsupervised before 8:45am.


Please go to the Classroom Page to find out what has been happening in the Specialist subjects. Go to the Science Pageto read about a science rocket competition.


Student Achievements

Ilya L- Congratulations for competing in the State Chess Tournament on Fri Nov 3


Have a great weekend,

Ms Garrity (Principal)



Monday Nov 13- Year 5 leadership speeches

Monday Nov 13- Year 3/4 Parent Meet and Greet (3pm Arts Centre)

Tuesday Nov 14- School Council Meeting

Friday Nov 17- Walk to School