From the Classroom

Physical Education

In PE, Foundation students have been learning about striking games in our ‘Strike that ball’ unit. Students have been practising and learning the cues for the two-handed strike and the forehand strike.






Visual Art

In Visual Art, the Year 1&2 students have been learning about Aboriginal Dreamtime. After listening to the story of the rainbow serpent, students enjoyed creating their own rainbow serpent out of paper. 

Performing Arts

Students in Year 3 & 4 have focused on creating and performing a variety of drama acts. In the photo below, the students created and performed an act about a magic mirror.

In the photo below, the students are watching a video of their drama acts to reflect on their performances, considering their use of detailed movement, facial expressions and creating a clear storyline for an audience. 


The Year 5&6 students have had a great opportunity to explore and immerse themselves in Chinese culture. They enthusiastically participated in Chinese drumming, Chinese classical music, Chinese classical dance, Chinese martial arts and Chinese lion dance.