Home-School Communication

At St Joseph's we strive for clear and timely communication with our families. Fortnightly newsletters, emails and the occasional hard-copy letter will be sent to families to communicate important information throughout the year. We also use our St Joe's Yarra Junction Facebook page. Parents are encouraged to apply for membership of this page.
All of our dates for 2024 are available via the calendar on the school website. A link to this is provided in our weekly newsletter. Parents with Google Accounts may subscribe to this calendar by sending an email from their Google Account to subscribe@sjyarrajunction.catholic.edu.au This will allow them to integrate the school calendar into their existing Google Calendar. All of the Term Dates and Pupil Free Days have been sent to families and are also available here. Please note that all of the dates are current at the time of publication but may change should circumstances necessitate. You will be informed about these changes via email.
Student absences should be reported to the office on Ph 0359671183 or email office@sjyarrajunction.catholic.edu.au Many parents also include the classroom teacher in this communication, which is very helpful. Due to our duty of care for the students, unreported absences result in a phone call to parents to enquire about the child's whereabouts. This creates extra workload for our very busy office staff. This can be avoided by a quick phone call or email from parents/carers to report the absence.
The school can be contacted via email using the following addresses:
School Office: office@sjyarrajunction.catholic.edu.au
Principal: principal@sjyarrajunction.catholic.edu.au
All teachers and other staff can be contacted using the person's initial and surname followed by the school domain eg Katie Vranken is kvranken@sjyarrajunction.catholic.edu.au Be aware that few of our staff have time to check their emails throughout the day, as they are busy teaching the students. Please allow 24 hours for teachers to respond. For more urgent matters, please call the school office on 0359671183.
Email is an excellent means for quick and simple communication. However, it has its limitations, being very one way. For more complex matters which require dialogue, a phone call or face to face meeting is usually a more effective way of clarifying matters or resolving issues. If you have such an issue that is concerning you, please reach out to the relevant person at the school for a chat over the phone or face-to-face meeting.