News from Three/Four

Welcome back to the new school year.
This week, although short, we have had a great time reconnecting with the 3/4 students.
The week began with testing sessions and it was great to spend one one-on-one time with the students catching up on their holiday adventures and seeing how much they had learned since we last taught them.
This week when the year 3/4 students returned to school, we spent time reconnecting with each other working on some wellbeing activities and setting up classroom routines.
This term Mrs Vranken will be in the classroom every Tuesday while Ms Bourke teaches Performing Arts and will be in the classroom every Monday fortnight beginning in week 3 while Ms Bourke has her Maths leadership time with other teachers. Ms Bourke will be in the classroom all other days. This year we have Mrs Darwall working with us in the classroom to support our teachers and learners and we will also have Miss Steph Curtis working with us too.
Our Specialist times are as follows:
Monday: PBL and STEAM (please bring your art smock to school)
Tuesday: Japanese
Wednesday: P.E and Performing Arts
Friday: Library borrowing day (please bring a library bag to school)
Assembly and Friendship Groups (alternate Friday's)
Year 3/4 camp is April 18 and 19 at ADANAC this year.
If you need to contact either of us, please do not hesitate to contact us via email. Please include both of us in the email.
We are looking forward to an amazing year together!
Lisa Bourke and Katie Vranken