News from Foundation

Welcome Foundations!
WOW what a busy week we have had in Foundation!! They were all so excited to be at school on their first day! They were all brave and came into their new classroom joyfully and easily. There have been many laughs and smiles this week, and we look forward to many more as the year goes on!
So far the Foundations have been on a bush walk around school, played on all the different playgrounds, practised lining up in their lines, talked about what a GOTCHA is and how we can be Respectful in the classroom, talked about how to be a good friend, visited the library, had P.E with Mr Foley, had STEAM with Mrs Hermansen and hung out with their buddies!! There have been so many new skills we have learnt about how to keep our hands to ourselves and share and be kind to one another. They have already developed so many new friendships! Mrs B and Ms Forbes are so proud of all of them already!!
Here is a collection of pictures of all the things we have been up to so far!!!
Next week the Foundations will commence their formal learning. We will start learning about sounds and letters as well as numbers and patterns. They will start to bring home a homework folder to practice writing letters and sounds.
Here is some work we have done this week!
What was your favourite thing from your first week at school?
Harry- I liked building a robot out of blocks
Braxton- I liked singing the cat song
Eddie- I liked doing sport with Mr Foley
Ed- I like learning at school
Gabby- I liked using the rainbow pencils
Lachlan- I liked doing sport with Mr Foley
Joey- I liked playing with my buddy
Jeremy- I liked playing football at playtime
Maggie- I liked playing with my buddies
Laylah- I liked doing some drawing
Coco- I liked doing some drawing
Makenzie- I liked playing with my buddies
Charlee- I liked playing in the kitchen
Weekly Events
Monday- Library day (bring a library bag) Foundation students will have Mrs Vranken every second week as Mrs B is released for her Wellbeing
Tuesday- Performing Arts and Japanese
Wednesday- Foundation days off until after the Labour Day weekend. Wednesdays off commence next Wednesday 7th Feb.
Thursday- STEAM lessons and P.E (wear sports uniform)
Friday- Friendship Groups & Afternoon Assemblies (Commences at 2:15 pm- First assembly of the year, date TBC)