Kelty Resource Centre

Ms Claire Garrett, KRC Librarian

Write a Book in a day

Congratulations to our amazing team in the Kids' Cancer Project's Write a Book in a Day competition! They successfully completed their masterpiece, Jerome the Giraffe, in 12 hours – it wasn’t easy, but they worked as a team from dawn until well after dusk and got it done, raising over $1600 along the way! It isn’t too late to sponsor them, which you can do below:


The students had to write a story involving a skateboarder, a juggler and a giraffe, set in a retirement home, and grappling with the issues that arise from a new school. They rose to the challenge, and their completed story is well-written, thought-provoking, and beautifully illustrated. Read on for a sneak peek at the blurb of their incredible book:


This book is about Stevey and a juggler called Jamal, who make their way through the struggle of popularity. They both participate in different activities that change in fashion, so at different points of the story they fight, and eventually become friends to make Jerome happy as he is now in a retirement home for giraffes.

The friends are different, but that is okay as they respect each other.


Other exciting activities you can find in the library:

  • The CW Club (creative writers meet on Wednesdays)
  • The Board Game Club (avid tabletop gamers meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays)
  • The Chess Club (chess players meet on Mondays)
  • Jigsaws (anytime)
  • Reading and studying (anytime)
Puzzlers celebrating a win
Puzzlers celebrating a win