Junior School

Mr Tom Nash, Head of Junior School

I hope this message finds you well and that you’ve had a good week. It’s hard to believe how quickly this term has flown by – can you believe we only have two weeks left? 

As we approach the end of the term, our focus remains on helping our students maintain their high standards and continue their excellent work until the very last bell. We will be working closely with the boys to ensure they stay engaged and finish the term strong.

GRIT Award

Congratulations to the following students who received the GRIT Award for the month of August. The GRIT Award is presented to a student based on the observations of a student’s teacher who demonstrates a:

  • Growth Mindset
    • Effort and attitude are key to growth
    • Desire to challenge self
  • Respect
    • Respectful interactions with students and staff
    • Respect for uniform and College property
  • Inclusive
    • Contribute to a safe environment
    • Honor cultural and individual diversity
  • Tuned In
    • Be an active participant in class
    • Attend lessons on time with the right equipment 
                       Year 7
7AXavier Deane
7BSloan Spark-Pring
7COliver Chadwick
7DFletcher Crane
7EDane La Franchi
7FHunter McAloon
7GThomas Mason 
7HMax Donovan-Clancy
7ICharlie Nunn
                             Year 8
8AJagger Walters - Powell
8BAlfie Carter
8CTom Goodson
8DAaron Sabu
8ELogan Munro
8FEvan Milgate
8GHenry Watson
8HJoel Tobin
8IJed Gurnett 

Year 8 Health Day: Values in Action Shield

Year 8 families will have received correspondence last week regarding an exciting opportunity that our students will be participating in on Friday, 6 August. In collaboration with Ballarat Community Health, all Year 8 students will engage in a range of workshops – tackling important issues that we face in today’s society. In essence, the theme of the day surrounds having respectful relationships and it is hoped that this is another step in educating the boys about this. 

The event aims to:

  • Engage young people in discussions about respect and healthy relationships with peers, teachers, family and community. 
  • Promote where young people can access help/support if they, or a friend, are experiencing gender-based violence. 
  • Raise awareness and develop positive upstander actions to support speaking out against gender-based violence and discrimination

Students will also partake in a round-robin styled soccer competition throughout the day so the boys are required to wear their PE uniform for the day. Please reach out to your son’s Homeroom Teacher if you have any questions about the event.

Sexuality in the Media: Elephant Ed workshops – Year 7 and Year 8 workshops

A reminder to all families that in Week 9, Year 7 (Monday) and Year 8 (Tuesday) students will participate in a 60-minute workshop in their Homeroom group which is facilitated by the Elephant Ed staff. The following content will be covered:

  • Introduction to everyday sexualised images one might see in the media
  • Critical analysis of this imagery, with a particular focus around the distortions relating to body image and consent
  • Introduction to sexual consent and discussion around the lack of consent in sexualised media and imagery
  • Discussion around the physical pressures and emotional consequences of exposure to pornography, including how to cope and change this rhetoric

Families are reminded that there is an important Webinar coming up, hosted by the Elephant Ed staff, to give families an insight into the content covered in the workshop. Registrations are essential. See below for details.

When: Monday, 2 September

Time: 7-8pm

Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VFBiRuGQTqCocug47LDeHg

Recognising our Junior Schoolers

Thank you to all parents and caregivers who have helped shine a spotlight on their son's achievements this year. Whether it's success in the arts, sports triumphs or community contributions, we love hearing about our students' achievements and celebrating their accomplishments.


Please continue to share you son's milestones with us and let's inspire the College community together. Please email me tnash@stpats.vic.edu.au with your news so we can ensure our students receive the recognition they deserve!


Wishing you all a happy weekend and a great Father’s Day to all fathers and father figures.


Tom Nash, Head of Junior School

Margie Dodd & Jacinta Burge, Year 7 Coordinators  

Sam Cue & John Hearn, Year 8 Coordinators   

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