Mission & Identity

Mr Geoff Brodie - Assistant Principal Mission & Identity

God our Father,

Bless our fathers, guide them to be good role models and loving to their children. 

We also ask you that you help them to be a father like you are.

Give them grace and patience to handle situations in a loving way.

We ask this through Christ our Lord

(Blessing at our Fathers’ Day Mass)


In a Crest article a few years ago I referred to the fact it was once a polite and friendly compliment to refer to a man as a “gentleman and a scholar”. I recall here my attempt at an interpretation of the idiom. 


Firstly, a gentleman is a man who is respectful and courteous to every person they are dealing with. Further back in history it was a reference to a social hierarchy, but that is not what I am referring to here. Rather, it is the recognition of someone who acknowledges the dignity of every person they meet. Secondly, a scholar is someone who thinks critically about society and human culture and can suggest solutions to real problems. They are often experts in one particular field and can bring the insights of their learning into the public debate in creative and healing ways.


Therefore, a “gentleman and a scholar” is a man who combines courtesy and great learning with humility and a sense of public service. I think this remains quite the compliment. 


In 2024, SPC has updated the idiom of a gentlemen and a scholar in our Strategic Vision: 


Educating hope-filled, compassionate

and confident young men for their place

in the world


with the accompanying mission: 


Inspired by the good news of Jesus and the charism of

Blessed Edmund Rice, St Patrick’s College educates the

whole person – mind, body, heart and soul – and through

this, liberates our students and equips them with resilience,

good humour and character, commitment, compassion

and wisdom which both enables and ennobles them to

contribute significantly to the world.


Fathers, sons, grandparents, family, and friends gathered for our annual Fathers’ Day Mass and breakfast on Friday. Led by our College Chaplain, Fr Eladio Lizada, we united in Word and Sacrament to give thanks for the gifts of fatherhood and the joy of our families.  As always, a special mention to our catering team the excellent breakfast that followed Mass.


The family remains the most important ‘school’ in which to learn how to be hope-filled, compassionate and confident in our world. As from our Gospel reading on Friday morning:


Jesus said to his disciples:

‘This is my commandment:

love one another,

as I have loved you.

A man can have no greater love

than to lay down his life for his friends.

You are my friends,

if you do what I command you.

I shall not call you servants any more,

because a servant does not know

his master’s business;

I call you friends,

because I have made known to you

everything I have learnt from my Father.

You did not choose me,

no, I chose you;

and I commissioned you

to go out and to bear fruit,

fruit that will last;

and then the Father will give you

anything you ask him in my name.

What I command you

is to love one another.’


St Joseph. Pray for us. 

May God bless your week ahead with love and joy.