Principal's report

Mr Steven O'Connor

Celebrating Father's Day

Father's Day is more than just a day to give gifts or share a meal—it's an opportunity to reflect on the vital role that fathers, and father figures, play in the lives of our students. At St Patrick's College, where we nurture the minds, hearts, and spirits of young men, Father's Day holds special significance.


In the Catholic tradition, the role of the father is profoundly respected, mirroring the paternal care that God, our Father, shows each of us. Fathers are often the first to teach their sons about faith, integrity, and the importance of love and compassion. Through their actions, they model the virtues that we strive to instil in our students: responsibility, respect, and the courage to live out the Gospel values in everyday life.


Father's Day is a reminder of the deep connection between fathers and their sons (and daughters) — a connection that is both a gift and a responsibility. It calls us to honour those who have guided us, to appreciate the sacrifices they have made, and to recognise the quiet strength they provide. For our students, it is an invitation to reflect on the ways they can continue to grow into the men their fathers inspire them to be.


In our school community, we are blessed with fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and mentors who play a crucial role in shaping the character of our young men. This day is a celebration of them, but it also serves as a call to action for our students. As they journey through their formative years, they are encouraged to embrace the lessons learned from their fathers and to carry these into their own lives, contributing positively to their families, their professional lives and society more broadly.


Let us, as a school community, take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the fathers and father figures among us. Let us pray for them, that they may continue to be strong and loving guides for their sons. And let us encourage our students to recognise and appreciate the gift of their fathers, striving to honour them not just with words, but with lives that reflect the values they have been taught.


Let us also remember, with gratitude, those fathers, grandfathers, uncles and other father figures who are no longer with us or a part of our lives. We remember these people in our prayers and thoughts with thanks for all that they have done for us.   We also pray for those fathers whose arms and hearts are empty this Father’s Day due to separation, broken relationships or the loss of a child; may they find strength and solace in their lives, especially on Sunday.


May Father’s Day this Sunday, be a time of reflection, gratitude, and celebration for all the fathers within our community and beyond. 


Please note: Pictures from today's Father's Day celebrations at St Pat's will be included in the next edition of The Crest.

Commending Our Students: ‘Break the Cycle’ event

At St Patrick’s College, we are immensely proud of our students who continuously demonstrate leadership, empathy, compassion and a strong commitment to social justice. 


Recently, our Boarding Captain, Ollie Hannaford, exemplified these qualities by spearheading a significant initiative, ‘Break the Cycle,’ a 24-hour event aimed at raising awareness about the critical issues of gendered violence and domestic violence against women.


This event is supported wholeheartedly by the members of the Student Council, and serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of standing together to confront and challenge these important issues in society. 


From 4pm on Friday 30 August to 4pm on Saturday 31 August, teams of students and staff will cycle non-stop for 24 hours, symbolising the continuous effort required to break the cycle of gender violence and promote respectful relationships. This marathon event aims not only to engage participants physically but also to educate and inspire action against the deeply rooted issue of gender violence. 


Proceeds from the event will be donated to Ballarat’s Raven Collective, an organisation which provides a safe and supportive environment for women who have experienced domestic abuse or violence. Through a 10-week program, Raven Collective offers paid practical employment opportunities that combine training and education to those they support. It is tremendous that the young men of St Patrick’s have chosen to support the Raven Collective through this event. 

Co-curricular Events and Celebrations

As a school, it is important to acknowledge the significance of our co-curricular activities and sporting programs in the life of our College.


This week, we gathered to celebrate the many outstanding co-curricular achievements of our students at an assembly for Year 9-12 students. We recognised those who have excelled in various domains, from the playing fields to the performance stage, demonstrating not just skill and talent, but also dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence. These awards represent more than just success in ACC and BAS competitions or various performances—they symbolize some of the values that lie at the heart of our College: teamwork, resilience, and the pursuit of personal bests.


This past week, we were also treated to the SPC in Concert event at our Performing Arts Centre on Wednesday evening. For those of you who were fortunate enough to attend, I am sure that you will agree, the evening was a testament to the incredible music talent that thrives within our school. 


Our musicians came together to create a night of entertainment that resonated deeply with and impressed all who were present. It was more than just a display of ability; it was a celebration of creativity, collaboration, and the joy that comes from sharing our gifts with others. Well done to all involved! In particular, thanks to our senior musicians, our Year 12 students, who led the performance on Wednesday night so strongly and with pride and wonderful enjoyment! Thanks also to our dedicated Music staff for their work in supporting our boys across our ensembles. 


Next week, we have the John James Medal Dinner, a prestigious event that will mark the culmination of our 2024 Football Season. This evening is primarily an opportunity to celebrate the players who have displayed remarkable skill on the field during the 2024 season, and also to acknowledge and thank the coaches, support staff, and families who have been integral to their success. Football at St Patrick’s College is more than just a sport—it is a tradition that binds us together, teaching lessons in leadership, commitment, and the spirit of fair play.


In light of this, it is clear that our co-curricular activities and sporting programs are not mere additions to the academic curriculum — they are essential components of the holistic education we strive to provide at St Patrick’s College. These programs offer our young men the chance to explore their passions, discover new talents, and grow as individuals. They teach lessons that cannot be learned from books alone — lessons about discipline, empathy, and the importance of working together towards a common goal.


And importantly, these activities foster a sense of belonging and community. Whether it’s the camaraderie of a sports team, the shared purpose of a musical ensemble, or the collective effort behind a theatrical production, our students learn that they are part of something greater than themselves. They experience the joy of contributing to a shared endeavour and the satisfaction that comes from achieving something remarkable together.


As we continue to celebrate the successes of our students in these areas, let’s also remember the deeper purpose these programs serve. They are not just about winning trophies or performing on stage — they are about shaping young men who are confident, compassionate, and ready to make a positive impact on the world.

Thank you to all who support our co-curricular activities and sporting program — our dedicated staff, passionate coaches, committed parents, and of course, our talented students. Your contributions are invaluable, and together, we will continue to nurture the values that define St Patrick’s College.