Fair on the Hill

Saturday 9th November 11:00am - 4:00pm

Fair on the Hill Meeting 

Please note that the next meeting for Fair on the Hill will be held on  Tuesday 27th August.  Everyone welcome.

Fair on the Hill Book & Toy Stall Donations

We have set up bins for our pre-loved books and toy stall - the bins are located in the corridor outside the staffroom - all donations much appreciated.

We have set up 2 Return-it Bins to help raise money to support our community - one bin can be found outside the church and the other outside the Wheeler Wing, near the Undercover Area.

Fair on the Hill - student participation

Whilst our Annual Fair on the Hill is still some time away (Saturday 9th November (11:00am - 4:00pm) there has been an amazing amount of planning going on. 


Once again, we are offering the students from Years 3-6 the opportunity to run their own stalls. On the day (depending of how many student stalls we have) we plan to run these from:

  • Group 1: 11:00am - 12:00pm then
  • Group 2: 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Our School Choir, Guitar Ensemble, Drumming Beats and the St Justin's Aerobics Team will also perform  - a timetable will be sent this term to help parents plan their volunteering options. We also welcome performances from outside the school - contact Mr T for further enquiries or email  office@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au


As always, we still welcome any new ideas (although many things have had to be locked in already) and we would love any extra support.

Sponsor Acknowledgement





