General Information


Did you know that past issues of the School Newsletter are available on the school website:


School Fee Statements for the FULL year fees were emailed to families last week.  

The due date for payment is the 27th September 2024.


School fees may be paid either in full or by instalment.  A recurring BPAY payment is the recommended option for instalments.  


Payment options include:


🟢  BPAY  -  preferred option

🟢  EFTPOS  -  available at the school front office

🟢  Compass Pay

🟢  Cash or Cheque

🟢  ADIG direct debit  -  please contact Ms Hogan if you would like further information         about this option.


Please remember, if you are experiencing difficulty, please do not hesitate to contact the school office to arrange a payment plan.  


School fees are required to cover our running costs so it is important that your account is paid on time.  Thank you for your co-operation. 



Uniform Policy Reminder: 

Wearing a uniform gives a sense of belonging and pride in oneself and school.  Please see below the current St Francis Xavier's uniform guide.


Girls Summer UniformBoys Summer Uniform

Dress - green and white stripe (Berelle Schoolwear)




Shorts  -  Bottle Green box pleated gaberdine (LW Reid) with a Yellow short sleeve shirt (Midford)


Yellow shirt (Midford) with grey shorts
Plain black regulation school shoes and white socksPlain black regulation school shoes and grey socks
School hatSchool hat
Girls Sports UniformBoys Sports Uniform
Bottle Green skirt or Bottle Green shortsBottle Green shorts
Yellow polo shirt with School emblemYellow polo shirt with school emblem
White socksWhite socks
Sports shoesSports shoes
School hatSchool hat







A reminder to our families that Compass is the preferred method of communication from school to home. 


While paper notes will also be sent home as required, all important notifications will be placed on Compass for your information. 


If you require assistance with your Compass log in details please email Ms Hogan at 




While we LOVE birthdays and celebrations, we remind you that the school does not distribute birthday party invitations. The only exception is if everyone in the class is invited or all of either the boys or girls are invited as a gender group. It can be difficult for children to understand why they might not be invited, therefore invitations should be extended outside of school hours. 


Parents/guardians are welcome to bring in icy poles, lollipops or cupcakes on their child’s birthday however, please note important information below: 

  1. Please contact the Office one week prior to arrange -  to enable notice being given to the class Teacher
  2. Please be mindful of allergies 
  3. Do not bring in any food that includes nuts or traces of nuts




A reminder to parents to please bring in a copy of your child/ren's updated asthma and/or anaphylaxis plan for 2024. 


An emailed version is acceptable however please ensure it is a clear legible copy. 




Please ensure your child/s school clothing, lunchbox and pencil case items are clearly labelled with their. Please see below our lost property procedure: 


* LABELLED ITEMS - Returned to child

* ITEMS NOT LABELLED OR EX STUDENT NAME - Placed in lost property


We have a few items in lost property from the swimming carnival last week. 





  • 2024 Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection
  • Carp Muster Colouring In Competition - due back this Friday 1st March



Friday 1st March - Diocsean Swimming Carnival (Gunnedah)

Tuesday 5th March - First Reconciliation Parent Information Night

Friday 8th March - Diocesan Winter Trials (Tamworth)