Principal's Report

Term 1, Week 5 

Dear St FX Parents and Carers,


Welcome to Week 5, St Francis Xavier’s families! A lot has happened so far this term and it’s affirming to see how quickly the students have settled into their new routines. I especially want to acknowledge the Kindergarten students who have had a tremendous start to their schooling journey. The way they bounce into school each morning with wide smiles and a calm demeanour is both a credit to you - their parents and first educators - and our dedicated staff, who create a welcoming and calm learning environment each and every day. The first few weeks of Kindergarten (or any class, to be fair) can be more stressful than later in the term, so in the event that you have any questions about how your child is settling-in this year, please don’t hesitate to check-in with your child’s teacher.


Platform & Co - Wednesday Sport

Just a reminder that Jake and Ellie from Platform & Co will be at St FX on Wednesdays to teach PE lessons, therefore all students are required to wear their sports uniform on Wednesdays and Fridays. 


2024 St FX Swimming Carnival

A big thank you to our Carnival organisers - Jess, Janelle and Emily - who pulled off another successful carnival. From all reports it was a wonderful day and the photos that were shared with me in my absence certainly showed that the House Spirit was absolutely in full swing! A huge congratulations to all our 2024 age champions!


Family Mass

Thank you to the families who joined us on Saturday evening for our first Family Mass for 2024. It was heart-warming to see all the children celebrating Mass, which was led by Fr Sabu. Family Mass is held on the fourth Saturday of each month (during the school terms), so please keep your eyes peeled for dates for our next one!



I hope you all have a smooth fortnight and I look forward to meeting more of you out the front of the school or around town!


Kind regards, 


Mal Frend

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