The Adventures of Frankie & Ash

School Support Dogs 

There has been Outrage in our house.


First Dad packed a big case and went to Work.  He has been away for a very long time and Mum says he will only come home this Sunday.  We thought we would have a fun time with Mum at home but then the very next day Mum packed a big case and went to Overseas with our hooman sister Zoe.    We were not happy.  Ash sat in Mum's case while she was packing and Mum had to pull her out.  Mum was cross because Ash got dog hair all over the dress Mum said she had packed to wear to Wedding.  


It is outrageous that we did not get to go too.


While Mum and Dad were away our hooman friends James and Georgie stayed and looked after us and things weren't so bad.    We had lots of cuddles and walks and games and Treats.  I (Frankie) felt a bit bad because I was cross at Mum and I stole three socks out of her case when she wasn't looking and I ate them.  They were not very nice though and my tummy did a big BLURT a few days later and the socks came back out and Georgie had to clean them up.  Georgie was nice though and felt very worried about me.  She wrote to Mum who said I was a Silly Banana and told Georgie not to worry.


Mum came back.  She smelled of Overseas so we had to sniff her and her case all over.  We were very excited to see her.  Ash did a little wee.   Mum was very tired so we were good girls and snuggled up to her and gave her cuddles.  


Now we are back at school and we are happy to be seeing Dad on Sunday.

That is all.


Frankie & Ash


Mum, we want to sleep with you!
I'm staying very, very close so Mum can't go away again
Mum, we want to sleep with you!
I'm staying very, very close so Mum can't go away again