From the Principal

 20 June, 2024


We held our School Council meeting on Tuesday night, following the Education and Facility Subcommittees' sessions. Per the enterprise bargaining agreement and DET's advice, we approved a student-free teacher professional learning day for Term 3, scheduled for Friday, September 6. Please read Mr Yep's School Council report in this newsletter.


Semester 1 Reports

Our teachers, Mrs Bullen and I, are finalising the Semester 1 Academic Summative Reports by moderating assessment tasks, reviewing benchmarking data, and making formative assessments based on classroom observations.


Teachers have also written comments for each child's Personal and Social Development Report, covering social awareness (e.g., interacting with others, being respectful, resolving conflicts) and self-awareness (e.g., work habits, learning characteristics). Semester 1 reports will be available via Compass on Monday, June 24 (PM).


Learning Journals

Learning Journals are an essential part of the assessment and reporting process. They showcase students' abilities and skills through various tasks. The rubrics provide parents with information about student progress and next steps according to the Victorian Curriculum Standards while also allowing students to reflect on their work.


Student Led Conferences

Student-led conferences empower students to guide the conversation, fostering reflection, engagement, and ownership of their learning. This involvement ensures discussions are relevant, accurate, and complete. Students take responsibility for reporting their progress, organising their work, and sharing their achievements. This process also includes self-reflection and setting future goals with teachers and parents.

Structure of a Student-Led Conference (15 minutes):

1. Welcome: The student offers a brief welcome and introduction.

2. Work Samples: The student shares selected work samples, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

3. Parent Response: Parents compliment and discuss the student's strengths and areas for improvement.

4. Q&A: The final five minutes are for parents to ask questions or discuss concerns, with or without the child present.


If parents have additional topics to discuss that require more time, separate meetings can be arranged at the beginning of Term 3.


Library and Wellbeing Space- 7:00 pm

Why should you attend for your child?

So you can help your child to help themselves because you can't always be there!

  • Teach them the steps to stand up for themselves
  • Help them protect themselves
  • Help your child know how to set boundaries and effectively communicate their needs
  • Support their sense of self
  • Help your child clarify a problem
  • Help your child clarify their needs
  • Strengthen a sense of empowerment
  • Enhance their problem-solving skills

Please ensure you get your free ticket to attend this parents' information night.



Please keep sending information about student achievements. It's important to recognize and celebrate their accomplishments.


Congratulations Chloe C, her team won 1st place at the state cheer-leading competition and will compete at nationals in Sydney in November, and Worlds in Florida next year.

Stay warm this weekend,

Ms Garrity



  • Go to the From the Classroom Page to read student writing from the year 3 and 4 students.
  • Read about developing Resilience in the Student Wellbeing page.
  • Foundation Enrolment applications are now open and will close by Friday, July 26, 2024.

Key Dates:

Tuesday June 20 - PA Parent Information Evening, 7:00 pm

Monday June 24 - No Assembly, Reports available via Compass

Tuesday June 25 - Student Led Conferences 3:45- 5:30pm

Thursday June 27- 1pm dismissal. Student Led Conferences 1:30 - 7:00pm

Friday June 28- End Term 2. 2:00pm Assembly. 2:30pm dismissal