From the School Council

Executive Officer - Ms Garrity, School Council President- Mr Yep, School Council Vice President- Mrs Kupinic, Treasurer- Mr Tanner,  Councillors- Mrs Amarsi, Mrs Defanis,  Mrs Edgcumbe (PA), Mrs Fisher, Mrs Hartley, Mr Marriot, Mrs Bullen, Miss Munforte, Mr Grecea

School Council Report

School Council met again this week, although we relocated to a different room to allow several members to join via a Webex meeting due to illness. It’s been a challenging time for many of us, both at home and work, with several types of sickness doing the rounds across our community!


While we tabled the April and May financial reports and the annual Cash Budget, the main focus for us this cycle was a review of the submissions of a before/after school care provider in response to an Expression of Interest (EOI) issued by the school earlier this year. 


Submissions were received, including from the incumbent provider OSHClub, and School Council reviewed all of these in conjunction with feedback from several sources, including parents and schools that have had direct experience with the relevant services.


The next steps are now for Council to communicate the decision with all applicants this week, and then the successful provider will take on a base two year contract commencing with Term 4 this year. Many thanks to the providers who submitted applications, and the Councillors who reviewed and robustly discussed the available options. Considerations included both what gave the best result for both the children (in terms of programs and care) as well as for parents (in terms of booking systems, pricing and flexibility).


The Facilities sub-committee took stock of the status of several key project, potential dates for the next Working Bee and also what we might do to celebrate the imminent official opening of our new Sensory Garden and refurbished Library.


The Education sub-committee continued its good work of Policy review/updates, and is re-balancing the inclusion of Poppy Tribes language in some of our material. The heavy lifting done a couple of years ago to bring many of our documents up-to-date has really paid off, as the recent reviews have been able to consider target areas and nuance.


Best wishes to everyone to stay well, especially during this time of short days, cold nights and - it feels - even colder mornings!


Best Regards,

Kynan Yep

School Council President