Principal's report

Mr Steven O'Connor

Welcome to Term 3

Principal Steven O'Connor presents the Year 7 homeroom leaders with their badges.
Junior Boarding students enjoy a healthy lunch in the warmth of the dining room.
New boarding 'gappie' Cameron Dickason with Director of Boarding James Hopper.
Principal Steven O'Connor presents the Year 7 homeroom leaders with their badges.
Junior Boarding students enjoy a healthy lunch in the warmth of the dining room.
New boarding 'gappie' Cameron Dickason with Director of Boarding James Hopper.

It is always terrific to start a new term and to welcome everyone back to the College. I trust that everyone enjoyed a well-earned rest, and all are feeling ready for the many opportunities that await in the term ahead at St Pat’s. I acknowledge the tremendous patience of the boys as we have navigated our way through a particularly unpleasant and challenging week of wet and wintry weather. The energy, enthusiasm and joy are very evident amongst the boys this week – it is great to have them back! I welcome the following new students and their families who have joined us this term: 

Hugo Artz

Year 11

Jasper Delaney

Year 9

Philipp Starke 

Year 10

Xavier Grant 

 Year 7

David Burgoyne

 Year 8

Noah Fry 

 Year 8

Campbell Dodge 

 Year 9

Matthew Mace

 Year 10

Jake Kennedy 

 Year 8

Luan Morris 

 Year 8

Tyler Gatt 

 Year 9

Aiden Gatt 

 Year 7



I also welcome the following staff who have commenced in their roles at the College this week:


Ms Genna Miller (teacher: Mathematics)

Ms Georgia Hassell (teacher: HaPE)

Ms Simone Ryan (teacher: RE & English)

Ms Jennifer Casey (Head of Humanities Faculty)

Mr Steven O’Bree (teacher: English)

Mr Heath Pritchard (teacher: Humanities & English)

Mr Cameron Dickason (GAP student from South Africa)

Mr Pat Murphy (AV Officer)

Mr Ben Walker (ICT Support Officer)


Mr Noel Bamford and Ms Kate Millan are both returning to the College this term after leave and professional sojourns over Semester 1. Mr Brendan Champness has commenced his teaching career in the Science labs here at SPC after working for the College as an LSO for many years. A warm welcome is extended to all who join the St Patrick’s College community for the first time this semester, or who are returning to the community after some time away! 

Core Business – Teaching and Learning

As a school, our core business is of course teaching and learning. It has been encouraging to see how focused staff and students have been as the term has started in this important context. I am looking forward to visiting classrooms throughout the term to engage with students and to hear from them about their learning. 


This year’s NAPLAN results were made available to schools this week and I am very encouraged and pleased with the initial analysis of these. The data indicates significant and positive improvement in all measures with our Year 9 cohort and in all but one area with our Year 7 students. Ms Roberts, Acting Deputy Principal (and Assistant Principal: Learning Innovation) will provide greater detail on these pleasing outcomes and we will continue to analyse the data so that our strategies around teaching and learning are informed by this. Congratulations to our Year 7 and 9 students for their strong and pleasing outcomes in this year’s NAPLAN assessments! I also acknowledge the commitment and wonderful work of the staff involved in educating our boys; these very pleasing results reflect the professionalism and dedication of our staff here at SPC! 


The College began the important process of subject selections for students in Years 9-12 in 2025 with an Information Night this week and with detailed and focused meetings and conversations with individual students and parents over the next few weeks. This is an important process, and we are determined to work with our students to set them up for success in their studies by engaging in this process in the coming weeks.

BAS Road Relays

This week a number of students represented the College in the annual cross-country event – the BAS Road Relays.


I was delighted with the wonderful results achieved by the SPC athletes at this year’s Road Relay and congratulate them on this. Congratulations to all students who represented the College so well, especially to those who were successful in winning both the A and B divisions in the Senior and Junior sections. Our Intermediate boys finished 3rd in the A Division and 2nd in the B Division, this is indeed a solid set of results.  Well done boys. 



Cyber Safety Information Session with Susan McLean

Susan McLean
Susan McLean

Susan McLean is Australia's foremost expert in cyber safety and young people. As the first Victorian Police Officer appointed to a position involving cyber safety, she has been at the forefront of this field since 1994. Her extensive research, advanced training in the USA and UK, and experience with schools, government bodies, and media make her the most qualified presenter in Australia. 


The College is really pleased that we have been able to secure Susan to talk to the incredibly important and challenging area of cyber safety. This invaluable session is being offered to SPC parents and staff and will commence at 7pm next Wednesday, 24 July in the Performing Arts Centre. Please note for boarding parents, the session will be available via a live stream link.


Susan's vast experience and unparalleled knowledge in this field make her presentations really important, informative and empowering. Her straightforward and engaging approach ensures that even the most informed parents will gain new insights into the online world. 


The session next week covers a wide range of crucial topics, including: 


  • Reality & Risk: Understanding the real dangers of the online world and recognising that it's not a matter of "if" but "when." 
  • What Are Kids Doing Online: Discovering the latest apps and platforms your children are using or hearing about, such as TikTok, Omegle, Discord, Yolo, Wink, and more. 
  • Online Grooming: Identifying what online grooming is, how it occurs, preventative measures, warning signs, and what to do if you suspect it's happening to your child. 
  • Cyberbullying: Learning about cyberbullying, its manifestations, prevention strategies, and legal consequences. 
  • Sharing Nudes: Understanding the implications of taking and sending explicit images, including social, emotional, and legal aspects, and the serious issue of Sextortion. 
  • Problematic Gaming: Managing digital devices in your home to prevent gaming issues and addressing them if they arise. 
  • Exposure to Damaging Content: Protecting children from harmful online content, including pornography and sites that encourage self-harm, eating disorders, and suicide. 
  • Top Tips: Implementing rules, parental controls, and restriction passcodes to help keep children safe online. 


The information session will conclude with a Q&A segment, giving you the opportunity to ask Susan any specific questions you may have. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and tools to help protect your children in the digital age. Susan's dynamic and entertaining presentation is not to be missed! We look forward to seeing you there.