Message from our Principal

Karen Harris


Thank you to Claudia Johnson who assumed the Acting Principal position in the last four weeks of Term 2, whilst I was on leave.   It was an extremely busy time,  and Claudia, with the assistance of Tasoula Michael, Samantha Milbourn and Sally Goss did a superb job leading the school.

Subject Selection Process

Year 11 Subject Conferences
Year 11 Subject Conferences

We have started the busy period of subject selections for 2025 with Parent/Carer Information Nights, Subject Expos and student conferences running over the next few weeks.  

Year 11 Subject Conferences
Year 11 Subject Conferences

Students, Parents and Carers are also encouraged to investigate the BSC Curriculum site, which includes information about subjects by Year Level. This website is a valuable tool for all students, as they plan their learning pathway.

School Production

Thank you to all who came along to the school production, The Addams Family. There has been so much positive comment about the quality of the production and the enjoyment of the show chosen this year. Read some reflections in this issue.

School for Student Leadership 

School for Student Leadership
School for Student Leadership

Congratulations to our Year 9 students who attended the School for Student Leadership program last term. 

Claudia Johnson and Melissa Brown (the liaison teacher for this program) attended the students’ Community Project presentation. I was also able to attend online whilst on leave. This year’s idea for the project involves a food drive, which will tie in well with SRC and Twilight Market. 

Our students have provided a round up of the program for you to enjoy in this issue.

Wantirna College School Review 

I am participating in the Wantirna College School Review as one of their Challenge partners this term.  It is always a great learning experience to be part of other schools' reviews, as it gives opportunity to reflect on BSC priorities and processes.