The Addams Family Fun

Timothy Roach


As the dust settles after closing night of Brunswick Secondary College’s production of The Addams Family, I have been reflecting on the remarkable showcase of talent, creativity, and collaboration that our wonderful students demonstrated throughout the entire production process. It was fantastic to see students from all year levels coming together, forming a cohesive team to bring this great show to life. The production was a testament to the skills and dedication of everyone involved, from the performers and backstage crew to the orchestra.

All of the performers on stage developed their skills acting, singing, and dancing, and captivated the audience with their portrayals of the quirky Addams family characters. The crew, including student stage managers, displayed exceptional organisational and leadership skills, ensuring the show ran smoothly. The orchestra, comprised of talented student musicians and alumni came together to score the show perfectly.


A personal highlight of the production was the increased student involvement. Student Dance captains took on the challenge of choreographing sections of the dances, showcasing their creativity and leadership. Their efforts resulted in vibrant, energetic dance numbers that added depth and excitement to the show. Student stage managers called the show with professionalism, coordinating cues and managing the backstage operations seamlessly.


Audience engagement was excellent, with packed houses for each performance. The enthusiasm and support from the community were palpable, creating an electric atmosphere that spurred the performers on to deliver their best. The turnout exceeded expectations, reflecting the hard work and high quality of the production.

The school production is always a joyous experience, and seeing students bring The Addams Family to life was no exception, highlighting the incredible talent and teamwork of the students. It was an unforgettable experience for all involved and a proud moment for the school community. Now to think about next year’s show!


Ava Kee

Dance Captain

Year 9 

With the production ending becomes a bitter sweet celebration. I'm so proud of every single person in the show and it was one of the best experiences of my high school life. I enjoyed learning dances especially new styles of dance that I hadn't previously done (like the tango). One of my favourite parts of the show was watching dances that myself and the other dance captains created come to life on stage. Production taught me life lessons and made me more confident as a person; it also brought me some life long relationships. I am so grateful for all the people in the show and I can't wait for next year's production. I will definitely remember this moment forever. 


Ahmad Abdillah

Orchestra - Violin

Year 8

It has been an honour and pleasure to be an orchestra member of the “macabre” Addams Family musical. There was a vibrant atmosphere of amusement, laughter and exhaustion throughout the performances which gave Broadway musical vibes! Whenever I played the gypsy violin solo in “Tango” I always had an adrenaline rush and sweaty palms all over the fingerboard thinking I would have a poor intonation. However as being part of my last ever musical production in this school, it was a major success for onstage, backstage and orchestra and I think we’ve earned it. I recommend more students, especially string sections, to participate in the orchestra.


Saskia Black

Wednesday Addams

Year 10

The Addams Family production has been one of the best experiences of high school. I loved performing but most I loved how close the cast got together, seeing everyone supporting each other and seeing everyone doing their absolute best at everything. I loved seeing the support from the school community, whether that was coming to watch or helping backstage. I got so much out this production, learning new performing skills, building up my confidence and working as a cast together. But by far the hardest part of production was watching it end, however I will keep these memories forever. 


Stephanie Barwick

Dance Captain, 

Year 12

Production was truly the best. I had the most amazing time rehearsing, choreographing and performing this year, alongside so many talented individuals. It is so cool to see all the hard work of students and the production team come together,  and to have the opportunity to be up onstage performing is insane! I am so grateful for all of the friendships I have made through the production, and my connection to lifelong friends of all different ages. There have been so many laughs and great times both at rehearsals and in the theatre, and memories made [that] I will never forget. Production week is always my favourite. Thankyou to everyone for making this year so special.


Abby Williams


Year 8

The production was an amazing experience! Every single person involved in this show should be so proud of themselves for all the hard work they put into this show. I loved dancing, and singing with people from all year levels. I don’t think I would have these friendships without [participating in] The Addams Family. I really enjoyed the shows and seeing the whole thing come together. I would definitely recommend auditioning for next year - you meet such amazing people, and it’s such a good learning experience. 


Caitlin Stuart-Ali

Backstage Crew

Year 8

Having The Addams Family [as] my first time production was one of the best experiences I have ever had. Being able to make new friendships while creating some very awesome set pieces was so much fun for me, since I love to do lots of arty things. I would do it a million times again because those 4 days at the Clocktower - they were some of the most fun and laughter filled days ever. I spent time laughing and chatting with friends while learning how the backstage of productions work with the mics, lighting and stage hands. I would say to anyone who has the opportunity to be in the production next year that I highly recommend doing it - it was a wonderful experience.
