Mid-Year Awards!

Mid-year award ceremonies took place in the Ironbark Performing Arts Centre on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd of August. Students were awarded for subject specific achievement in Semester One, as well as for demonstrating the College values consistently throughout the first semester. Recipients and their families enjoyed refreshments in the new College Pathways Hub where students can learn about their future pathways and connect with our career’s counsellors.


Many of our students awarded have displayed remarkable resilience and consistency in making each day count. All those who received an award are to be congratulated! 

Students across year levels receive a Principal’s Award. This award is given to students for excellence in their academic studies or community. Students who have achieved well above the expected level in all subject areas are recognised with this award.


The following students are to be congratulated for receiving this year’s Principal Award: 


Kris Shah 7F

Aalya Sardar 8D

Ngoc Khoi (Michael) Hoang 9G

Teriza Mati 10D

Elias Pito 11D

Lisa Sharma 11E

Laxita Sharma 12G

Joaquin Andrei Santiano 12F

Fadi Warda 12F