Year Two News

Year Two Team: Bec (Leader), Caitlin, Dan, Kerrie, Lauren, Maria & Troy

Term 3 in Grade 2

We would like to welcome all of our wonderful families back to school for Term 3. After a restful and relaxing mid-year holiday, the Grade Twos have come back refreshed and enthusiastic. It has been pleasing to observe how quickly everyone has returned to the routines of school.  





We will continue using the Little Learners Love Literacy Program, with a focus on long vowel sounds, alternative spelling patterns of sounds, suffixes and commonly used spelling rules. Students will be introduced to reading comprehension strategies. Home learning requirements for Grade Two are 20 minutes of reading. Please ensure your child fills out their take home reading log!


In writing, students will engage with mentor texts as they continue to develop their skills in structuring sentences, understanding statements and questions, adding conjunctions to writing pieces, revising and editing written pieces. We will be exploring persuasive writing examining fact and opinion, and how these can be used to develop and expand a persuasive argument. Students will explore emotive language, conventions, and structures that suit persuasive writing. We will continue to look at how to correctly form our letters and the correct use of the dotted thirds in our writing books.



This term, students will be learning about multiplication and division. A mixture of concrete and representational materials will assist students in understanding key strategies of this topic. Students will use vocabulary like groups of, repeated addition and repeated subtraction to understand the fundamental strategies of multiplication and division. Our lessons on measurement will include practical activities to understand length and area using both informal and formal units. Students will investigate chance, statistics and probability, including collecting and interpreting data. 



As part of the topic ‘Who Are We’, Grade Two students will understand the term ‘place’ and its meaning in their local surroundings, as well as on a larger scale nationally and globally. Students will visit the Royal Botanic Gardens where they will learn the special connections between place and the people of the Kulin nation.  


Berry Street

We are starting to help students use the Ready to Learn Scale to provide them with strategies to regulate and de-escalate their emotions in order to move themselves along their scale.


Kind regards,


Bec, Caitlin, Dan, Maria and Troy